Workflow and Automation

  • Workflows

    Workflow is a feature by Zluri that enables IT administrators to automate their SaaS operations. Zluri currently offers two types of workflows.


    1. Onboarding workflows - You can use Onboarding workflows to Add a user, Assign license to a User, Add user to different groups for different applications when a new user is added to your organization. You can do all this directly from Zluri.

    1. Offboarding workflows - You can use Offboarding workflows to Remove a user, Remove license from a User, Remove user from different groups for different applications when a user is leaving your organization. You can do all this directly from Zluri.

  • Onboarding Workflows

    The onboarding workflow contains 3 tabs. 

    1. Draft: It lists the workflows which are not completely set up.

    2. Templates: You can set up a workflow & save it as a template to run later.

    3. Completed: This tab lists the completed workflows.

    Creating & running an onboarding workflow:

    Please follow the below steps to create & run an onboarding workflow.

    Click ‘New workflow’ to create workflow.

    Select the users to onboard.

    Select the application for which you want to run the workflow & add the actions. 

    So what are Recommended Applications and Recommended Actions?

    While setting up a workflow for a user, Zluri provides you with a set of recommended applications for the user. This is typically done on the basis of commonly used apps by your organization. 

    Each such application again comes with a set of recommended actions you should take for each app while onboarding. The recommended actions for each app are decided by Zluri based on the tag i.e. Onboarding/ Offboarding/Others on the workflow action.

    The recommended apps for each user while onboarding are populated based on looking at the top apps used by other users in the organization with the same designation and department. This set of recommended applications can act as a checklist for you.

    Once you completely set up the actions you can either save it as a template or run the workflow. 

    You can save a workflow as a template. If all the actions are completely set up and the template is ready to be used, it is saved as a “Published” Playbook, which just means it is ready to be used. If all actions are not set up and there are still errors in the workflow, the template gets saved with an “Unpublished” Playbook tag, which means the playbook is not ready to be used yet. Move to the next section for more about Playbooks.


    To run the workflow, Please click on the ‘Run’ button at the top right corner. It will prompt you to type ‘CONFIRM’ on the text box. Please type ‘CONFIRM’ & click ‘Run workflow.

    NOTE: A workflow can only be run after all the actions in the workflow are completely set up.

  • Overview

    You can use the Overview section to create a new workflow or use an existing playbook. The following categories are available in the Onboarding section of the Workflow module to provide information on current workflows and existing playbooks, user information and activity logs, etc:

  • In Progress

    This section provides the list of onboarding workflows currently in progress. You can click on the View All button to view the complete list of Workflows currently under process.

    You can apply various filters on your workflow run logs screen to view specific workflows you want to track : 

    You can also view the activity log by clicking on the app name or the View log button next to each app. This will take you to the activity log for the particular workflow execution, where you can view the run log and raw log of each playbook of the workflow. You will also find the necessary actions you should take as the next steps for failed actions. 

  • Playbooks

    Playbook is a Template of rules/actions performed by a workflow, i.e. add a user, give access to the user etc. The playbooks tab displays the list of all playbooks currently being saved by your organization in the Zluri Dashboard. Playbooks come with two tags : 

    1. Published - All actions are set up, and the Playbook is ready to be used.

    2. Setup Required - All actions are not set up, and the playbook can’t be used. 

    In the playbook list, you can perform the following actions:

    Summary of Playbook: You can view the summary of the playbook - All apps and actions in the Playbook by clicking on it; this can be useful if you just want to check if everything is ready and set up and ready to be used.

    Edit playbook: You can use the edit playbook button for Playbooks with the “Setup Required” tag. These playbooks can only be edited and not be used just yet. Then, you can create or edit actions under each playbook.

    Run a Playbook: You can use a Published playbook by clicking on the Run a Playbook button for the playbook and selecting users, and following the prompt to run the Playbook.

    Delete Playbook: You can delete an existing playbook by clicking on the Three dots and afterwards by clicking on “Delete Playbook”.

  • Recently Edited

    This category lists the apps that have been recently edited and show all the relevant details, like user information. Click on the Edit option next to an app, and it will take you to the Edit section, where you can add or delete the particular draft of the playbook.

    Clicking on the View all button on the top right will take you to the Drafts tab where you can also access individual draft edit menus.

    The onboarding section has five tabs in total. They are: 

    • Overview

    • Drafts

    • Playbooks

    • Recent runs

    • Automation rules

    We have already accessed the first three from the Overview tab. Now let us have a look at the remaining 2.

  • Recent Runs

    This tab displays the list of recently run playbooks. You can filter the information available in the list by clicking on the Filter button and applying one or multiple filters:

    You can also click on the View log button as previously demonstrated to view the playbook log details.

    You can perform the following actions in the Log section:

    • View the Error/Success message for each action

    • Retry action for failed 

    • Convert to manual task

    • Retry all failed

    • View the raw log to view the detailed action report.

    • Export log

  • Automation Rules

    This section allows you to create rules for your playbook and view the existing set of automation rules and relevant information. To set a new rule, click on the New Rule button on the top right of the screen.

    The onboarding rule creation screen opens.

    You can set the following parameters for the rule:

    1. Add trigger: Define a trigger that runs your automation. There are mainly three kinds of triggers:

    • User Status Changes

    • New User Added/Discovered In Zluri

    • The user Is Marked For Onboarding

    1. Add attributes: This enables you to selectively run the automation based on the conditions that can be set from the list below:

    • Reporting Manager: This is usually the name of the employee’s reporting manager.

    • User Designation: The name of the designation that applies to the user.

    • Last Active: This usually is in numeric format and denotes the timestamp of the user's last activity.

    • User Account Type: Usually, in text, this denotes whether the user account is an admin account or any other type.

    • Critical Apps Used: The number of critical apps the user uses is an attribute here.

    • Primary Source: The name of the app/apps used as the primary source for creating the condition.

    • User Department: The name of the user department.

    • Role: This is the name of the user role.

    • Created At: a number denoting the timestamp to be used as a condition.

    • Risk Level: A number denoting the risk level associated with the particular condition.

    • Apps Used: The number of apps used to set the particular condition.

    • User Status: a text denoting the current user status based on which the condition can be set.

    1. Add a playbook: Choose to run an existing playbook for the new rule.

    2. Add Delay: This is used to set a time delay after which the rule will be executed. Delays can be really helpful when working with multiple automation rules, as you might want to cascade automation rules. 

    (For example, you may create an automation rule for providing access to general apps used across an organization when a New user is Onboarded, and this will run automatically immediately as soon as Zluri detects a new User marked for onboarding. 

    For convenience, you can set the admin access time with a delay of 2 days after a New user is marked for onboarding. Then this automation rule can  give access to specific apps used by department users.)

    1. Save rule: You can save the rule once all the previous conditions have been set.

    From the list of rules available, you can perform the following actions:

    1. Edit/Delete a rule by clicking on the 3-dot option next to each rule.

    2. You can change the status of a rule and set it to active/inactive by clicking on the toggle below the status column.

    You can manually drag each rule by the arrow next to the rule name to put it above/below a rule. This will help you set the Order of the rule.

  • Offboarding workflows

    The offboarding workflow also contains three tabs. 

    1. Draft

    2. Templates

    3. Completed

  • Creating & running an offboarding workflow

    You can follow the same process to create & run an offboarding workflow as we do for an onboarding workflow, i.e. click on New workflow and select users to set up. 

    You will see that all apps are already populated with actions set up for a particular user; Zluri uses its discovery capability to discover all the apps that the user had used being part of your organization and sets up all actions to offboard a user from all these apps. 

  • Overview

    You can use the Overview section to create a new workflow or use an existing playbook. The following categories are available in the Offboarding section of the Workflow module to provide information on current workflows and existing playbooks, user information and activity logs, etc:

  • In Progress

    This section provides the list of offboarding workflows currently in progress. You can click on the View all button to view the complete list of Workflows currently under process.

    You can also view the activity log by clicking on the app name or the View log button next to each app. This will take you to the activity log for the particular app playbook where you can view the run log and raw log of each playbook of the workflow.

  • Most used Playbook

    An offboarding Playbook is a template of rules/actions that are performed by a workflow i.e Remove a user, Remove access to a user etc. This tab displays the list of all playbooks currently being saved by your organization in the Zluri Dashboard. There are two types of offboarding playbooks onboarding playbooks : 

    1. Published - Play Books which are completely set up i.e. all actions are set up, and the playbook is ready to be used. 

    2. Setup Required - Playbooks which are not completely set up, and the playbook is not ready to be used yet.

    In the playbook list, you can perform the following actions:

    Summary of Playbook: You can view the summary of a playbook i.e. all the apps and the actions which are included in the playbook by clicking on a Playbook. This can be really useful and good practice to have a last look at a playbook before using it to check if all your requirements are covered in the playbook.

    Run a playbook: You can use an existing playbook to offboard users from your SaaS apps directly from Zluri. Simply click on the Run Playbook button. Note that you can only run Published Playbooks.

    Edit playbook: You can use the Edit playbook option for Setup Required Playbooks or use the Edit playbook option after clicking a Published playbook to move to edit mode. Here you can create or edit actions under each playbook.

    Delete Playbook: You can delete an existing playbook from the edit playbook menu by clicking on the three dots on the top right corner of the playbook.

    Recently Edited

    This category lists the apps that have been recently edited and shows all the relevant details like user information. Click on the Edit option next to an app and it will take you to the Edit section where you can add or delete the particular draft of the playbook.

    Clicking on the View all button on the top right will take you to the Drafts tab where you can also access individual draft edit menus.

    The onboarding section has five tabs in total. They are: 

    • Overview

    • Drafts

    • Playbooks

    • Recent runs

    • Automation rules

    We have already accessed the first three from the Overview tab. Now let us have a look at the remaining 2.

  • Recent Runs

    This tab displays the list of recently run playbooks. You can filter the information available in the list by clicking on the Filter button and applying one or multiple filters:

    You can also click on the View log button as previously demonstrated to view the playbook log details.

    You can perform the following actions in the Log section:

    • View the Error/Success message for each action

    • Retry action for failed 

    • Convert to manual task

    • Retry all failed

    • View the raw log to view the detailed action report.

    • Export log

  • Automation Rules

    This section allows you to create rules for your playbook as well as view the existing set of automation rules and relevant information. To set a new rule, just click on the New Rule button on the top right of the screen.

    The onboarding rule creation screen opens.

    You canset the following parameters for the rule:

    1. Add trigger: Define a trigger that runs your automation. There are mainly three kinds of triggers:

    • User Status Changes

    • New User Added/Discovered In Zluri

    • The user Is Marked For Onboarding

    1. Add attributes: This enables you to selectively run the automation based on the conditions that can be set from the list below:

    • Reporting Manager

    • User Designation

    • Last Active

    • User Account Type

    • Critical Apps Used

    • Primary Source

    • User Department

    • Role

    • Created At

    • Risk Level

    • Apps Used

    • Usage

    • User Status

    1. Add a playbook: Choose to run an existing playbook every time the rule is triggered.

    2. Add Delay: This is used to set a time delay after which the rule will be executed.

    3. Save rule: You can save the rule once all the previous conditions have been set.

    From the list of rules available, you can perform the following actions:

    1. Edit/Delete a rule by clicking on the 3-dot option next to each rule.

    2. You can change the status of a rule and set it to active/inactive by clicking on the toggle below the status column.

            You can manually drag each rule by the arrow located next to the rule name to put it above/below a             rule. This will help you set the Order of the rule.

  • HTTP Request with Callback Action

    This action helps users make an HTTP request to an external service and send a configured callback request, using which we’ll mark the action as completed or failed on Zluri’s end. This action can be used for cases where users would like to trigger a workflow in a third-party application and mark the action as completed in Zluri once the workflow has completed in the third-party application.

    The action has two steps:

    Step 1 - Configuring the HTTP request

    • Adding the webhook URL that needs to be called along with the type of request (GET, POST, PUT, etc.)

    • Configuring the headers and parameters that need to be sent in the request body

    • For the HTTP request with callback action, Zluri will also send the zluri_execution_id for that action along with the configured parameters. 

    Step 2 - Configuring the callback URL for that action in the external application or service

    • A callback URL unique to that specific action is automatically generated from Zluri’s end that can be configured on the end application or service that the HTTP request is made to. You can copy the callback URL from Zluri’s UI to the external service that you want to make the HTTP request to
    • Zluri expects the “status” to be sent in the body of the callback request - Accepted values for the status field are “completed” and “failed”. 

    • Zluri expects the “zluri_execution_id” to be sent as a parameter in the callback request - This value will be auto-generated when the action is triggered from Zluri and sent as a parameter in the body of the HTTP request.

    • Zluri will also require an “api_key” or “api-key” to be sent in the headers for authentication when making the callback request. You can contact your Zluri support representative to get the value of the API key for your organization.

    Once this action is configured on both Zluri and the external application or service, if you’d like to test the callback request, you can make a test call to Zluri using the callback URL generated on the UI along with the status, the api_key, and a zluri_execution_id value of 11111111. If you receive a “200 OK” response when making the test call, that indicates that the test call is successful.

    If the action has failed from Zluri’s end or the callback request is configured incorrectly, you can check the error or work with Zluri support to resolve any errors from Zluri’s end and retry. On successful completion of the action, Zluri will change the status of the action from “failed” or “pending” to “completed” on Zluri’s logs. 

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