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Signing up

These articles are aimed at helping you sign up to Zluri.

Signing Up

  • Introduction

    Zluri is an enterprise SaaS Management Platform enabling organisations to discover, manage, optimise, secure and automate their SaaS stack from a single dashboard. This document covers the primary use cases of Zluri and is a guide to using the platform to achieve your organisational goals with Zluri.

    Zluri can help you achieve the following objectives.

    • Application Management

    • Contract, License and Vendor Management

    • Optimization

    • Spend Management and Budgeting

    • Security, Reporting and Audit

    • Automation

    If you have any of the above as your objective, Implementing Zluri is the best decision you have taken. Here we guide you through setting up Zluri to get the best out of it.

  • Overview

    Currently, most SaaS management platforms offer the opportunity to manage their apps and licenses only from an admin's perspective. The employees in the company do not have any means to look at the overview of the apps they are using or do not have an opportunity to request appropriate licenses according to the recommendations provided by the SaaS management platforms.   


    To provide a seamless employee experience, Zluri has developed a new feature - The employee app store, which will resolve the needs of an employee.

  • Getting an Invite Code

    You'll need an invite code to sign up for Zluri. You can request a code from our website by visiting https://signup.zluri.com or contacting the Account Executive to share the invite code.

    To receive an invite code, visit https://signup.zluri.com and enter your email address. 

    Once you enter the email address, you'll be redirected to another page where you have to fill out some basic information about your organization.

    After filling in the required information, you'll receive an email from a Zluri account executive with an invite code. 

    You can follow the instructions below to sign up.

  • Sign up and Sign in flow

    Please go through the steps for the new sign-up and sign-in flow.

    Sign up

    1. Access https://signup.zluri.com to sign up.

    2. Enter your email address and invite code. 


    • Zluri dynamically checks the credentials entered and if not valid, shows an error. 

      If both the email and invite code are valid and no previous account exists for the email ID, Zluri will prompt you to create an account and redirect you to the current sign-up flow.

      3. If the email ID already exists in another account,  you will be redirected to log in using the existing email ID and password.

      Upon successful login, you will be able to create another account.


      • Please visit https://app.zluri.com to login.
        Next, you will be directed to enter your email address.
        2. Enter your email address and click Continue.

      • Upon submitting your email address, Zluri checks if the email address is part of multiple accounts.
      • If your email is part of a single account, you will be redirected  to enter your Zluri login password or login with your Google account or a SSO login page if your organization has SSO login enabled.

    3. If the email address is present in multiple accounts, you will be redirected to enter your organization slug. 
    Please find more information on the organization slug in the FAQ section.

    4. Once you enter the valid organization slug, you will be redirected to enter your password or login with your Google account or to the SSO login page if the organization has SSO login enabled. 

    Next, you will be redirected to the overview of page of the correct organization (The organization whose slug was entered).

    What is an organization slug?

    The organization slug is a unique alphanumeric string for your organization enabling us to uniquely identify your account. This domain is derived from the domain part of your email address. 

    For example, if your organization name is ‘zluri.com’, your organization slug will be ‘zluri’.

    How is the organization slug created and where can I find it?

    The organization slug is created automatically within Zluri when you sign up with your email domain. Once you login, you can find this on the Organization Settings page. If you do not have your organization slug while signing in, please reach out to your Zluri Customer Success Manager (CSM).

    How can I change my organization slug?

    To change your organization slug, please contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM).


These articles are aimed at helping you set up your workspace.

Onboarding Process

  • Onboarding Process

    The onboarding process of the Zluri comprises three steps:

    1. Add your organization details

    2. Connect SSO 

    3. Connect financial integration

  • Adding Your Organization Details

    To get started, you need to enter the following information -

    • Your organisation name

    • Default currency used 

    • Starting the month of your financial/fiscal year

  • Why enter Organisation details?

    Filling out these details is essential as we analyse and present all the spending in the default currency and for the current financial year. Zluri supports all global currencies (179 of them) on the platform. The default currency can be selected for the organisation while onboarding and the spend reports will be generated in the default currency. 

    Note: The transactions that don’t take place in the default currency will be reported after conversion and formatting.

  • Connecting Your SSO

    Zluri requires you to connect your SSO service provider to add your team to the app. It supports various SSO service providers such as Google Workspace (formerly GSuite), Azure AD, Okta, OneLogin, JumpCloud, etc. You can also add these details via a CSV file.

  • How to connect SSO?

    • Integration with any SSO requires authentication from the SSO account’s administrator.

      • For example, if you have the Google Workspace Admin credentials, you can authorize the integration yourself. Or you can invite Google Workspace Admin to complete the authorization with Google Workspace.

    • If you invite your co-worker (SSO admin) to complete the authorization, you'll need to fill in their name, email, and a note (optional), and we will invite them.

    • After the above step, your account admin will get an email with a link to complete the authorization and will see a screen as shown below after they complete the step.

    • Once the SSO is connected, you'll see a blue checkmark on the top right corner as shown in the below pic for Google Workspace.

  • Why should I connect the SSO?

    • Connecting the SSO is important as Zluri fetches the list of users, the applications they use, sign-in/sign-out activities, departments, domains etc., and the SSO is generally the primary source for most of the organisation’s data.

    • SSO is important for shadow IT discovery, Identifying employees vs external users, user status, departments, designations of employees, etc.

    • It also provides user activities for the applications which do not have a direct integration with Zluri. It helps Zluri calculate usage scores for each user for each application needed for optimisation insights.

  • Best practices

    If you have just one SSO instance, connect to that instance only once. If it is disconnected, do not add another instance and instead reconnect the existing instance.

  • Connecting Your Financial Integration

    After connecting with your SSO integration, you'll need to add the transactions through an integration with your financial systems like Quickbooks, Xero, etc.

    You can skip the “add transactions” step and be redirected to your dashboard to view the users, applications, and usage metrics. You can integrate the financial system later by visiting the integrations page or upload the transactions by visiting the upload transactions page.

  • How to connect Financial Integrations?

    1. Like SSO integration, financial integrations also require the account’s administrator authentication.

    2. For example, if you have the Quickbooks admin credentials, you can authorize it yourself or send an invite to your Quickbooks Admin to complete the authorization with Quickbooks.

    Once you follow all the steps and connect financial integration, Zluri will fetch the transaction data from your financial system and automatically map those transactions to the SaaS applications.

  • Best Practices

    • Please use the transaction type/account type filters to fetch only relevant transactions from the financial systems. If unsure, you can connect without applying filters and see the transaction data with transaction type and account type data in the platform. 

    • Zluri automatically maps transactions to SaaS applications by matching the transaction description with application names. In case it’s not able to map, you can map manually and select ‘Auto assign for all future transactions’ so that Zluri can save the pattern and map all transactions of similar patterns to the same application.

    • Always check the unrecognised section of the transactions tab. You can move those transactions either to the recognized tab if it's a SaaS-related transaction or to the archived tab if it's a non-SaaS-related transaction.

  • Initial Setup

    After the signup and onboarding processes, you must complete your account's initial setup. 

    To set up your account, navigate to Settings -> Your Organization within the Zluri app.

    • You can edit details such as Company name, Payment owner and IT owner in this tab.

    • Payment owners will be notified about any transaction-related activity. 

  • Trusted Domains

    Trusted domains contain the list of domains identified from various sources such as SSO. You should verify and ensure all the domains approved for use by your organisation are listed here. You can locate them within Settings -> Your Organization -> Trusted Domains

  • Why does Zluri need trusted domains?

    • Zluri utilises trusted domains to identify external users in your organisation, allowing you to manage them seamlessly.

    • Trusted domains are essential while setting up SAML. When you set up a SAML login for your organisation’s users to Zluri, only users from trusted domains can log in to Zluri. 

  • Best Practices:

    If the required trusted domains are not auto-detected, contact the designated Customer Success Manager for your account.

  • Integrations

    Now that you have completed the initial onboarding and set-up, it’s time to enrich Zluri with data from more direct integrations.

  • Connecting HRMS

    At this stage, you should have already connected your SSO and financial system to Zluri. The next application you should connect to Zluri is your HRMS. 

    Connecting your HRMS app with Zluri provides valuable user data like Department, Designation, Reporting Manager and Joining Date. Since Zluri can fetch accurate user Metadata from your HRMS integration, you can choose to configure your HRMS as your primary source for user data.

  • Recommended Integrations

    After connecting to your SSO, Financial System and HRMS, Next, you should take a look at the recommended integrations.

    Recommended integrations are the list of apps used by the users in your organisation which are discovered using the integration with your SSO. 

  • Why should I Integrate applications?

    Zluri suggests you connect as many integrations as possible as that gives Zluri more accurate information about users, licenses, and usage activities which helps Zluri provide better insights.

  • How do I connect Integrations?

    You can find the steps to connect a particular integration in the “How To” page of the application, or you can find the steps to connect while connecting directly by selecting the “+Connect” button. You can find detailed screenshots and steps for each app available for integration on Zluri.

    Steps to connect - 1. Integration details screen for Postman integration

    Steps to connect - 2. Connect instance screen for Postman integration

    There are two ways to connect an integration: You can either connect the integration yourself or send a connection request to a coworker. The co-worker will get a link to connect the integration on mail, which can be accessed without logging in to Zluri. Please ensure that the person has the necessary permissions for that app required for connecting a particular integration. 

  • Understanding The Scopes Requested

    Scopes are the necessary permissions required by Zluri for connecting an integration to Zluri. Different scopes provide different capabilities for you on Zluri, such as Discovery, workflow, Provisioning, and Audit logs.  

    • Scopes can have read or write permission. Scopes with read permission can fetch data on Zluri, and those with write permissions give Zluri access to read and edit the data. 

    • Scope sensitivity is a measure of the sensitivity of the data Zluri can fetch using the scope and the level of access it gives to Zluri.

    When connecting an integration, you'll see a list of scopes separated into two sections:

    1. Required scopes: Required scopes are the necessary permissions required by Zluri to connect an app with Zluri. So, these scopes are selected by default while connecting.

    2. Other scopes are the permissions required by Zluri if you need Zluri to provide you with all its capabilities, like workflows and provisioning. You’ll need to select these scopes while connecting an integration.

  • Understanding Integration Capabilities

    Each integration might have different capabilities based on the APIs available. You can visit the capabilities section of an integration to find out the data Zluri can fetch from the integration and the workflow actions available for that integration.

  • Best Practices

    Disconnected Integrations:

    A connected integration can be disconnected due to many reasons. The API key might have expired, the person who authorised the connection may have left the organisation, or their permission levels might have changed. 

    When an instance is disconnected, instead of connecting a new instance, you can reconnect the previously disconnected instance. You can use previously used credentials, for instance, and new credentials to reconnect the instance. So, the API call triggered for the same instance will completely update the old data associated with the instance with new data fetched, leaving no chance for stale data or any data discrepancies.

    Multiple instances:

    Zluri allows you to connect multiple instances of the same application. It should be used when you have multiple accounts of the same application. The same account should not be connected multiple times since it might result in data discrepancies.

  • FAQs

    How frequently does Zluri sync the data from the connected applications?

    After connecting an integration, it takes about 24 hours for a sync to fetch the user data and other metadata from the integration to reflect on Zluri’s platform. 

    What data does Zluri fetch from the integrations?

    The kind of data Zluri fetches from any integration varies from one integration to another. But primarily, all integrations can be segregated into four major categories.

    1. SSO: ZLuri fetches the list of users, their metadata, activities, domains, and applications from SSO.

    2. HRMS: HRMS integration is used to fetch user metadata like departments, designations, reporting manager, date of joining/leaving, etc.

    3. Financial Integration: Zluri fetches a list of transactions from financial integrations

    4. Other applications: Zluri fetches a list of users, licenses, activities etc., from other direct integrations like Slack, Zoom, etc.

    What do you do when you do not find an application in the integration catalogue you wish to connect with?

    If the application has open APIs, Zluri can build the integration. You can reach out to your designated Customer Success Manager for more details.

  • Primary sources:

    After doing the initial setup and checking trusted domains, you need to update primary sources for various details in the Zluri app. These details are - 

    • Department

    • Designation

    • Profile Image

    • Users

    • Reporting Manager

    • Joining Date


    1. Department - Department’s primary source is the app for fetching the departments, their users, and other department data in your organisation.

    2. Designation - Designation’s primary source is the app used for fetching designations for users in your organisation discovered/added on Zluri.

    3. Profile Image - The profile image’s primary source is the app used for fetching Profile images for the users in your organisation discovered or added on Zluri.

    4. Users - Users’ primary source is the app used by Zluri for fetching the list of all users present in your organisation.

    5. Reporting Manager - Reporting manager’s primary source is the app used for fetching Reporting managers for the users in your organisation discovered/added on Zluri. 

    6. Joining Date - Joining date’s primary source is the app used for fetching Joining dates for users in your organisation. 

  • Why update primary sources?

    1. Selecting primary sources is essential as they provide a data source for various details such as department, designation, profile image, etc. If not updated, this data might not be rendered correctly.

    2. Zluri supports selecting only one instance as the primary source for the data points. So it is advisable to select the source as primary, which is the source of truth for user information.

    3. When the same data flows to Zluri from multiple sources, Zluri displays the data fetched from the primary source selected in the dashboard. For example, Suppose the department data flows to Zluri from both Okta and Google Workspace, and Google workspace is selected as the primary source. In that case, Zluri will display the departments fetched only from Google Workspace.

  • Best Practices

    1. Select the primary source as the one which is your source of truth for employee data. I.e. the system where the user account data is updated first when a new employee joins or leaves the organisation (i.e. HRMS or SSO)

    2. Some of the data points can be maintained in multiple ways in a system (for example some organisations maintain their department-related information in org units in Google Workspace while some organisations maintain it in a user profile field in Google Workspace). Please select the right path, in this case, in the interface.

    1. Please reach out to your designated Customer Success Manager if you wish to fetch the information from any other integrated applications or custom fields from existing options.

    2. Please make sure that the primary sources for all data are set properly and reflect on the platform accurately before generating any reports or creating any workflows/automation rules.

Overview & General Navigation

These articles will help you how to navigate through your Zluri workspace.


  • Overview-Traversing The Zluri Dashboard

    The Overview Module is the first page you will see when logging into Zluri and will provide you with a high-level overview of your organization’s saas landscape. Additionally, on the left side is a navigation panel that will navigate you to the respective sections. There is also a global search bar, a My Tasks board, the Latest changes information, Notifications & Account Name at the top right of the page. 

    The navigation panel and global search bar will be visible regardless of which page you navigate. The Zluri dashboard currently contains the following views, and more will continue to be added as we further develop the product:

    Data Points visible on the Overview screen in your Zluri Workspace

    • Applications: The total number of applications used by all users in the current month & number of new applications users started using in the current month.

    It is further categorized into different types of Authorization Status: Managed, Unmanaged, Restricted & Needs review.

    • Active users: Number of active users in the organization for the current month & change in active users from the previous month.

    It is further categorized into different Employee types: Employee, Group, Service Account & External users.

    • Average Usage: Average usage is the percentage of all applications used for all users in the current month & change in usage percentage from last month. Usage percentage for any particular user for any application is calculated by taking the highest frequency of activity for that application by any user as a benchmark.

    It is further described by a list of Managed Apps with low usage categories and the top 4 apps are displayed here. 

    • Total Spend(YTD): Sum of spending on all applications & software for the current financial year for SaaS applications on organizational level and the change in the level of spend compared to the last month.

    It is further described by a list of Top apps by spend category and top 4 apps by highest spends.

    • Renewals: The number of payment/contract renewals due in the current month and the change in the number of renewals from last month.

    • Spend per Month: A bar graph that shows the spending for all months of the current financial year, the spending for the current month & the total spending for the financial year.

    • Spend per User: A bar graph that shows the spending per user for all months for the current financial year, the spending for the current month & the total spending for the financial year.

    • Cost of contracts: A bar graph that shows the sum of costs for all the active contracts for the month, the cost for the current month & the total cost for the contract for the current financial year. It is the sum total of cost per license and license term, along with any base price and one-time fees minus the discounts that have been entered while uploading the contract to Zluri.

    • Top Apps by Usage: Lists the top 8 apps by usage percentage.

    • Department-wise Spend: If we select the Department option in the drop-down menu we will get Department-wise Spend. It is a graphical representation of the information associated with each department of your organization. This generally contains the following sub-categories:

    • Department: The name of the department.

    • Apps: The number of apps being used by the department.

    • Users: The number of users under the particular department.

    • Avg. Monthly Spend: The average monthly amount spent by the department.

    • Spend(YTD): The total amount spent year-wise by the department.

    • Category-wise Spend: If we select the category option in the drop-down menu we will get Category-wise Spend also. It is a graphical representation of the spending of an organization based on various product categories like Analytics, AI, Commerce, etc. It is further subdivided as:

    • Category: Name of the category                        

    • Apps: The number of apps being used in a category.

    • Users: The number of users under a particular category.

    • Avg. Monthly Spend: The average monthly amount spent in a  category.

    • Spend(YTD): The total amount spent year-wise in a category.

    • Budget per department: Shows a top-level view of each department's allocated budget & spend (till date) for the current financial year.

    • Top Apps by Users/Spend: Shows the top applications by the highest number of users using an application and by the maximum spend for an application. It can be sorted in both columns.

    Clicking on any application or department will take you to the corresponding application/department overview page.

    The Global Search Bar will always be at the top right of the page, regardless of what section you are in. This is a great way to navigate to a specific product, Employee, Department, or Transaction. Type in what you are searching for, and click on the relevant match. 

    Search gives different sections to search from. For example, if the customer clicks on the dropdown menu, he will get options like Applications, Users, Departments & Integrations. Please refer to the below snapshot:

    Suppose, if he searches for “Slack” under “Applications”, he will get the below results:

Application Management

These articles explain the features & functions of the applications screen in your Zluri workspace.

Application Management

  • Overview

    Clicking on an application will take you to its page, which displays all associated data with the application.

    The data points are

    • Authorisation status

    • The number of active users & change in the number of users compared to last month.

    • Average monthly spending & change in spend compared to last month

    • Average usage percentage & change in usage

    • Upcoming renewal date

    • The number of active contracts at present.

    • The owner of the application

    • Category

    • Auto-renewals (on/off)

    • Status(Active/Inactive)

    • Month-wise usage & spend allocated to departments

    To manually assign the spends to departments, you need to click the ‘Edit’ button, as shown in the screenshot. It will open a popup, as shown below.

    Click ‘Switch to manual split’.

    Enter the department names, assign percentage & click ‘Save’.

    Additionally, if potentially overlapping products exist in your organization, this will be identified and other possible alternatives from our master list of applications.

    The ‘contracts’ tab on the application overview page lists all the contracts for that particular application. And other details like the owner of the contract, the payment term, the contract end date & status. Clicking on the contract will take you to the individual contract’s page.

    The ‘Users’ tab lists the users of the application, email, designation, usage percentage, allocated spend & status. Clicking any user will take you to the individual user’s page.

    The ‘Transactions’ tab lists all the transactions mapped to the application.

    You can also manually add a transaction for an application by clicking the ‘Add’ button on the top right corner. While adding a transaction you will need to enter the amount, transaction method & transaction date.

  • Authorisation Categories Of Applications

    Zluri supports the following authorisation status.

    1. Managed: These consist of the collection of apps approved by the IT admins and are either centrally deployed across the organisation, managed by a team or by an individual depending upon the usage requirement of the app.

    2. Unmanaged: This category lists the apps used by employees of the organisation but not managed or approved by IT admins. These are discovered through your SSO integrations.

    3. Restricted: These consist of the collection of apps that have been restricted for employee usage by IT admins. If any user attempts to use such an app, they would be unable to do so, and their user information would appear here.

    4. Needs Review: This category hosts the collection of apps in the review due to its security and compliance policies. Once the IT admin assigns the owner and authorisation status for a particular app in this category, it will be shifted to the Managed apps section.

    Note: The following sections are repetitive and applicable to each authorisation status.

    We can change the authorisation status of applications anytime we want through the “Bulk Edit” option. 

    Zluri also supports different types of views on each authorisation status. They are as follows:

    • Main view: Contains most essential metrics such as owner, category, type, spend, usage, status(active/inactive), active user count, and cost. 

    • Renewal view: Tells us about upcoming renewals in a single view. Contains metrics such as owner, spend, contracts count, next renewal date, vendor count and cost.

    • View: This view shortage view shows top applications by usage. Contains metrics such as owner, usage, source, last used, department count, and inactive user count.

    • Spends top applications by spending: Contains metrics such as owner, spend, avg spend, and usage cost.

    • Custom view: Customers can create their custom view by selecting the columns they want.

  • Adding an Application

    To add an application, click the ‘Add’ button on the top right corner of the Application landing page.

    Clicking the ‘Add’ button will open a side panel where you can search the applications. If it exists in our global master list of applications, It will appear.

    You can select the application, select the owner & click ‘Add Application’ to add it.

    If the application is not in our master list of applications, you can add it by clicking ‘Add New Application’ at the bottom of the dropdown list.

    You will need to enter the following information & click ‘Add Application’ to add the new custom application.

    • Application name - Required

    • Website - Optional

    • App logo - Optional

    • Short description - Required

    • Description - Required

    • Category - Required

    • Owner - Required

    • Tags - Optional

  • Editing application attributes

    You can edit application attributes from the Application landing page or individual application pages.

    On the application landing page, you can edit the owner of the application & status through quick edits.

    You can select multiple applications and change their authorisation, status & owners. The changes will be applied to all the applications you have selected.

    In the individual application page, you can click ‘Edit’ on the top right corner of the page to open the ‘Edit Application’ side panel.

    Here you can edit the application owner, status, auto-renewal & tags.

  • Export Applications Data


    Zluri enables you to export all relevant data associated with the apps managed by the Zluri Dashboard externally. On the Applications menu, you can see the Export button, which can generate data in the form of reports. The report will be generated based on the following parameters:

    • Application Name

    • Archive

    • Status

    • Authorisation Status

    • User Count

    • Licensed User Count

    • Unlicensed User Count

    • Internal User Count

    • External User Count

    • Department Count

    • Vendor Count

    • Active User

    • Inactive Users

    • Spend

    • Cost

    • Average Monthly Spend

    • Usage

    • Type

    • Total Contracts

    • Threat level

    • Risk Score

    • Risk Level

    • App Discovered Date

    • App Last Used Date

    • Next Renewal Date

    • Is Custom

    • Category

    • Sub Category

    • App Tags

    • Owner

    • Category Id

    • Auto-Renewal

    • Renewal Interval

    • Renewal Type

    • Source

    • Logo Present

    You can select all parameters or the ones you require to be included in the report.

    You can generate the report based on

    • All Applications

    • Selected Applications

    • Filtered Applications.

    Please Note 

    1. The generated report will be in .csv format.

    2. You can also generate a composite report on a scheduled basis from the Reports module in the Zluri Dashboard.

  • Bulk Update Data

    Zluri allows you to upload data on multiple users across multiple apps in one go. Think of a particular app, say Slack. There may be hundreds or thousands of users of Slack in your organisation. Similarly, you may be using hundreds of apps as well. In such a scenario, entering user data for each field may be cumbersome. 

    With bulk data upload, you can add all your data in a .csv sheet/report and upload the same in one go.

    To bulk upload data, open the Applications module on the Zluri Dashboard and click on the button with the 3-dot column and select the Bulk Update Data option as shown above. 

    The process involves three simple steps:

    1. Select the fields you want to modify: You can modify data only for existing apps and select fields. Select the fields you'd like to modify and click on OK.

    2. Download Editable CSV: Bulk updating application requires a standard file format that maps back to your applications. Click on the Download Editable CSV button, and the standard file format will be shared via email.

    3. Upload the modified CSV: Once you have added the data based on the above steps, you can upload the CSV file by clicking on the Upload CSV option.

    Once the import process is complete, the changes will be reflected in Zluri, and you will be notified via your registered email ID.

  • Other Actions On Applications

    Zluri allows you to take additional actions for each application. Click on a particular application name from the Applications module. Then select the 3-dot button next to the app logo on the left centre of the screen. You can use the menu to perform the following actions: 

    • Unmap Application: Used to unmap an application from the current Zluri integration.

    • Map to a different application: Used to map an unmapped application with the initially available integration.

    • Map to/Merge with another app: Used to integrate with the workspace of another app.

    • Archive App: This is used to move the current app to the archive section in the Zluri workspace.

    • Action History: Displays the actions marked for the selected app.

  • Do we have a log of how "Active Days (30)", "Active Days (60)", and "Active Days (90)" is calculated?

    Active in the last 30, 60, and 90 days is basically calculated from any activity Zluri has observed for users under an application.

    The last activity can be anything like signing in, logs, other activities shared by direct integration agents. That's where the active days get their data from.

    It's an addition of all the activity logs we got for an application in the past 30, 60, 90 days. 

    The data pipelines are running to get this data updated regularly.

  • Zluri Application Usage and User Usage_v1.0

    Zluri Application Usage and User Usage Explained 

    Customer Facing Documentation

    Revision Summary






    Initial customer-facing document version.





    This documentation, titled "Zluri Application Usage and User Usage Explained", provides a high-level overview of the logic, calculations, and essential considerations involved in identifying Zluri Application Usage and User Usage. We have made a conscious effort to exclude specific proprietary and confidential information to protect the interests of Zluri and its stakeholders.

    The content herein is intended to serve as a general guide for our customers to understand better the conceptual framework of Zluri Application Usage and User Usage. It does not disclose specific details of the algorithms, methodologies, or any proprietary information used in the calculation process.

    Readers are advised that the information provided in this documentation is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute a warranty as Zluri's Application Usage and User Usage calculations are subject to updates and improvements, and Zluri reserves the right to modify the methodologies as needed.

    For any questions, clarifications, or further details, please contact the Zluri support team.

    Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


    Team Zluri


    Zluri's scoring system provides valuable insights into employees' applications and user usage within an organization. This document breaks down the context behind the scoring, weight distribution, and calculations considered for measuring 'application usage' and 'user usage' within organizations using the Zluri platform.

    Application Usage Scoring

    Zluri considers Average Volume (AV)Average Activity Days (AD), and Percentage of Users (PU) as the three primary factors to measure usage scoring for applications. Also, it assigns a Weight Distribution percentage defining the relative importance or contribution of each factor (AV, AD & PU) in the overall calculation of the final application usage score.

    Definitions and Examples

    1. Average Volume (AV)

    Average volume of activity fetched per user per month.

    • Definition: Frequency of user activity fetching for a specific application per month. This can be sign-in logs, activity logs, etc.

    • Example Scenario: For instance, if a user signs up thrice a month with five activities tracked in the activity log, Zluri calculates these counts based on the proprietary technical logic and assigns a predefined AV score to the calculated number.

    2. Average Activity Days (AD)

    Average number of activity days for a month.

    • Definition: Number of days any user is active in a month. This can range from 1 day to 31 days a month, depending on the month. 

    • Example Scenario: For instance, if a user signs up thrice a month with five activities in one day, Zluri calculates the days' count and assigns a predefined AD score to the calculated number.

    3. Percentage of Users (PU)

    Percentage of users who use this app (adoption rate).

    • Definition: Adoption rate indicating how many users from the organization are using a specific application.

    • Example Scenario: For instance, if there are 100 users in the organization, and 50 use the application, Zluri calculates the percentage and assigns a predefined PU score to the calculated percentage.

    Final Application Usage Score

    The total Application Usage score is generated by combining AVAD, and PU, also factoring in the assigned Weight Distribution percentage, which defines the relative importance or contribution of each calculated factor.

    Refer to the Weight Distribution section for a detailed understanding.

    User Usage Scoring

    Zluri considers Monthly Count (MC)Mean of Monthly CountDistinct Days (DD), and Mean of Distinct Days as the four primary factors to measure usage scoring for users. Also, assigns a Weight Distribution percentage defining the relative importance or contribution of each factor (MC, MeanMC, DD & MeanDD) in the overall calculation of the final user usage score.

    Definitions and Examples

    1. Monthly Count (MC)

    • Definition: Number of activities a user has in a month.

    • Example Scenario: For instance, if the number of activities for a user is more than or equal to one, Zluri calculates the activity count and assigns a predefined MC score to the calculated count.

    2. Mean of Monthly Count

    • Definition: Average monthly count in the past three months.

    • Example Scenario: For instance, if the average number of activities for a user in the past three months is more than or equal to one, Zluri calculates the average activity count and assigns a predefined Mean of Monthly Count score to the calculated count.

    3. Distinct Days (DD)

    • Definition: Number of days of activity received for a user in the past month.

    • Example Scenario: For instance, if the number of days of activity received for a user is more than or equal to one, Zluri calculates the days count and assigns a predefined DD score to the calculated count.

    4. Mean of Distinct Days

    • Definition: Number of average distinct days in the past three months.

    • Example Scenario: For instance, if the average number of distinct days in the past three months for a user is more than or equal to one, Zluri calculates the average days count and assigns a predefined Mean of Distinct Days score to the calculated count.

    Final User Usage Score 

    The total User Usage score is generated by combining MCMean of MCDD and Mean of DD, also factoring the assigned Weight Distribution percentage, which defines the relative importance or contribution of each calculated factor.

    Refer to the Weight Distribution section for a detailed understanding.

    Weight Distribution 

    Weight distribution in the context of Zluri's Application Usage and User Usage scoring system refers to the relative importance or significance of each factor in the overall calculation of the final usage score. The assigned percentage of weight distribution values determines how much influence each factor has on the final score.

    Application Usage Weight Distribution

    For Application Usage, three factors are considered: AV, AD, and PU. The weights assigned to each factor reflect the perceived importance of each aspect in assessing application usage within an organization.

    • AV: The percentage value assigned represents the importance of the frequency of application use. 

    • AD: The percentage value assigned reflects the significance of user activity days on an application. 

    • PU: The percentage value assigned reflects the contribution organizational adoption rate. 

    User Usage Weight Distribution

    For User Usage, four factors are considered: MC, Mean of MC, DD, and Mean of DD. The weights assigned to each factor reflect the perceived importance of each aspect in assessing user usage within an organization.

    • MC: The percentage value assigned reflects the importance of the user's engagement level within a specific timeframe.

    • Mean of MC: The percentage value assigned reflects the significance of assessing the user's historical engagement.

    • DD: The percentage value assigned reflects the essence of assessing the consistency of user activity.

    • Mean of DD: The percentage value assigned reflects the significance of assessing the historical consistency of user engagement.

User Management

These articles will help you how to view & manage users in your Zluri workspace.

User Management

  • Overview

    The user's page will list the users in your organisation. Generally, this will be loaded from an SSO source like Google Workspace, but you can also manually add users. An employee record can contain their name, email address, designation, usage percentage, number of products, and status( active/inactive).

    Three mini-trend charts are on top of the page, which displays the following details.

    • Active users: Displays the number of active users for this month & the change in the number of active users compared to the last month. The graph plots the number of active users on the Y-axis & months (last 6) on the X-axis.

    • Apps per user: Sum of the number of apps used by each user / total number of active users. It also displays the change & trend for the last six months.

    • Spend-per-user: Spend per user for a month is calculated by dividing total spending on all applications for the month by the total number of active users. It also displays monthly average spending and trends for the last six months.

  • Editing user attributes

    To edit the user attributes, you can do this on the user landing page or the individual employee page. You can select users on the user landing page by ticking the checkboxes and changing the status or department. This will change the attributes of all selected users.

    You can also use the quick edit option to change the user designation by hovering your mouse cursor over the designation value.

    The user's designation can also be changed on the individual user’s page.

    To edit the user attributes, you can do this on the individual user page. On the user's page, click on ‘Edit’.

    Clicking ‘Edit’ will open a popup like the one below. Here you can make your changes & click ‘Edit user’.

  • Other user actions

    You can take other user actions, as shown below.

    Mark as inactive

    You can mark a user inactive if the user has left the organisation. Users are also automatically marked inactive through the SSO integration data sync.

    Mark as suspended

    Users can be marked as suspended manually or through the data sync from SSO.

    View action history

    User status log displays the complete history of the user. To see the User Status Log, click on the icon. A new popup will appear; select the ‘View Action History’ option. After selecting the option, a popup will appear from the right side where you can check the user status Log. 

    Change user type

    You can change the user account to a service or group account. If you convert a user account to a group account, you can assign the users who use the group account.

    Archiving a user

    Hides the user from the all-users list. To archive a user, you will need to visit the User overview page & click ‘Archive user.’

    Manually add application users and usage.

    Our application automatically pulls all user activity data from the SSO service provider for your organisation simultaneously; we also give the option to update usage for an app manually. You can select the application and users & set the frequency.

    Mark Apps in Use

    To mark apps in use, click on the kebab menu on the right-hand side of any application in the users->application screen icon. After clicking on it a new popup will appear; choose the option ‘Make App in use’ as shown in the following Image.  

  • User Management

     Users Page
    This module consists of all user-based organizational data, including users marked for onboarding and offboarding. It provides a comprehensive set of views through which useful information can be viewed as well as providing the ability to export all user data externally through .csv format.

    The user's page will list the users in your organization. Generally, this will be loaded from an SSO source like Google Workspace, but you can also manually add users. An employee record can contain their name, designation, department, email address, apps used, usage percentage, number of products, source, spend[YTD] & status( active/inactive). 

    You can add/remove columns by clicking on the Select Columns button near Filters by simply checking/unchecking the checkboxes highlighted below.


    Similarly, you can click on Filters to filter the data you are interested in to view on the dashboard.

      You can select multiple users by ticking the checkboxes next to the username. Once selected, “Send Prompt”, “Run a Playbook” and “Bulk Edit” options appear on the screen. Please refer to the snapshot below: 

    Once you click Send Prompt, a prompt can be sent to the user to install a Browser Agent or a Desktop Agent.


    Once you click on Run a Playbook, you can either select an onboarding playbook or an offboarding playbook to run on the selected users.

    If you select the Onboarding playbook to run, you need to search for the playbook you have already created before for onboarding purposes in the Workflows section.

    How to "Bulk Update" data in Zluri?

    Zluri gives you the option to bulk update the metadata of each entity by directly uploading a CSV file. This article explains the step-by-step process of updating data in bulk.

    To update data in bulk, click on the above menu on the right side of the page.

    It will open a sidebar, as shown below.

    Select the fields you wish to update the data for.

    Download the editable CSV.

    Update the file with new data. & Upload it.

    We will notify you by email when the upload is complete.

    Similarly, you can update values for Users & Departments following the same process.

    Please note that you can only update data of existing entities through bulk upload. You can not create new entities.

    Add a "New User" 

    Go to Zluri's home page >> Click on USERS.

    Click on “+Add Button” to add a new user.

    On the Add new user page. Enter the below mandate details.

    • Add Username
    • User's email address 
    • User's Designation
    • User's status (Active/Inactive/Suspended)
    • Add user to a specific department

    Other fields that can be entered are(not mandatory):

    • Add Profile Image
    • Reporting Manager
    • Personal Email
    • Tick the checkbox “Mark for Onboarding” if needed

    Click on the down arrow near Add New Employee on top. One can select one option from Employee, Group, Service, or External user. By default, the Employee option is selected.

    Click on the Add User button on the bottom right. 

    Here you go, you have added the user successfully!

    Edit Users

    Editing user attributes

    To edit the user attributes, you can do this on the user landing page or the individual employee page.


    You can select users on the user landing page by ticking the checkboxes and Change the status of the user, Archive/Unarchive the user, Change Department of the user, Change User type, etc. This will change the attributes of all selected users.

    For example, if a user wants to change an employee status to Active, he needs to click on Bulk Edit >> Change Status >> Active.


      Once the details are saved, a pop-up will appear at the top right “Users Bulk Updated”.

    You can also use the quick edit option to change the user designation by hovering your mouse cursor over the designation value.

    The user's designation and other attributes can also be changed on the individual user’s page. Click   on the Edit button highlighted below:

    Clicking ‘Edit’ will open a popup like the one below. Here you can make your changes & click ‘Edit user’.

    After entering the required details, the user can click on the Edit User button to update the details.

    User Overview

    Clicking on a user will load their user page, which will display the following details.

    • Actively used apps: Total number of apps used in the current month & change in the number of apps used compared to the previous month as identified by the login data from the SSO source.
    • Average monthly spend: associated with the user for all the apps he has used in the current financial year & change in spend compared to the previous month.

    • Monthly cost: Cost is based on the contracts and contract term
    • Total apps: The user has used overall and the change in the number compared to the previous month.
    • Average usage as sourced from the SSO integration & change in usage percentage from the previous month.
    • Status (Active/Inactive)
    • Designation
    • Department
    • Added On: Date on which the user is added to Zluri
    • The Onboarding Date is the date for which the user is marked for onboarding

    • App-wise Spend: shows spends done on each application for the user and the average monthly spend for the user for all apps combined. Also, shows the value of total spends aggregated for all the apps for a user and app-wise spend value.

    • App-wise usage: shows usage for each application for the user and the average monthly usage of the user for all apps combined. It also shows the value of total usage percentage for all the apps for a user and app-wise usage percentage value.

    If the user clicks on the three dots next to the user name he will get a list of additional operations that can be performed on a user. Please refer to the below snapshot:

    By clicking on the Application Tab on the Users Overview screen, the user will land on the Applications page.

    User Applications

    The Applications tab lists the applications used by the user, usage, spend[YTD], cost[YTD], license, user application status, risk level, the last used date as sourced from the SSO integration, the specified SSO source & status of the application.

    You can select multiple applications and do the Bulk Edit option. Once you click Bulk Edit, you can select the Archive or Unarchive option which will be applied to the selected applications for that user.



These articles will help you view & manage departments & their budgets.


  • Overview

    Clicking on a department will load its page, displaying the following details.

    • Number of users in the department & change in the number of users from the last month

    • the Total number of apps used in the current month & change in the number of apps used compared to the previous month as identified per the login data from the SSO source

    • Average monthly spend associated with the department for all the apps used by all the users in all months in the current financial year & change in spend compared to the previous month.

    • Total spending out of the allocated budget for the department for the financial year.

    • Head of the department

    • Budget remaining

    • Date when the department was added

    • Spends allocated to various apps across months

    • Usage percentage for various apps across months

    The Applications tab lists the applications used by the users in the department, the spend allocated to that particular application, the number of users using the app in the department, the specified SSO source & status of the application.

    The ‘Users’ tab lists the users in the department, their names, email, designation, number of apps used, average monthly spend allocated to them & status.

    Adding filters

    You can add filters to customize the table displaying the department information when you click on the Departments module in the dashboard. To add a filter, click on the Filter button as shown above and click on the Add Filter button.

    You can add the type of filters as shown above:

    • Archive

    • Active Department Users

    • Budget Spent

    • Cost

    • Total Department Users

    • Apps Used

    • Budget Allocated

    • Department Id

    • Department Name

    • Head

  • Changing Page Layout

    You can change the layout of the page by customizing the columns available in the Departments table. To do so, simply click on the other Columns button next to the Filter button.

  • Export Data

    You can obtain an offline copy of the report in the Departments module by clicking on the Export Data button in the top right section. This will take you to the Export Data menu as shown below:

    From the above menu, you can:

    • Choose the fields you want in the report.

    • Select the type of Departments (All, Selected or Filtered)

    • Choose to schedule the downloading of the report. (One-time or recurring).

    Once done, click on the Start Export button and the report will be sent via mail. The following screen appears:

    You can also directly download the report to your local device by clicking on the Download CSV button in the top widget as shown above.

    Note: Export data provides output in.csv format only.

  • Bulk Edit

    As the name suggests, the bulk edit option allows you to apply edits on one or multiple fields in the Departments table. It is disabled by default. Click on any of the checkboxes on the left of any field, and the Bulk edit button will be enabled at the top of the table, as shown above.

    Under the bulk edit option, you can make two major changes:

    • Change head of department

    • Archive/Unarchive Department


These articles explain how to view & upload transactions & map those to applications.


  • Transactions

    The Transactions section reflects the transactional data from your financial integrations or uploaded CSV files with Zluri. We currently support integrations with Intuit Quickbooks, Zoho Books, Zoho Expense, Expensify, Netsuite and many more. Zluri will build more integrations in future and add to this list.

    From the Zluri Home page, if we go to Sources - - > Integrations - - > Browse Catalog, we can get all the financial integrations currently supported if we search “finance” under Categories. Please refer to the below snapshots:

     This is how the Transactions section currently looks:

    There are five sections within Transactions:

    1. Recognised Transactions: These are the transactions which Zluri has recognised from the financial integrations and has mapped to an application and are SaaS related. For mapping the transaction, we use the Transaction Description. If the Transaction Description matches the application name, Zluri maps the transaction to that application.

    2. Unrecognised Transactions: These are the transactions unrelated to SaaS, or Zluri has not been able to recognise from the financial integrations and has not mapped to any application.

    3. Archived Transactions: These are the transactions which are non-SaaS related. Also, any other transaction that customers don’t want to be included can be archived. Customers can move these types of transactions to Archive so that their data is not visible on the dashboard.

    4. Payment Methods: Customers can add payment methods like Credit cards, Bank Accounts and other Payment Options on this page. Zluri sends notifications to customers if any payment method is nearing its expiry date. 

    5. Uploads: The customer can upload the transaction data as a CSV file which needs to have data in a specific format to upload the data.

    Recognised Transactions

    In Recognised transactions, the customer will be able to see the Application name, transaction description, transaction date, Amount of transaction, the currency of transaction, and payment method used.

    The transactions table would now also have the following new columns: 
    Vendor, Amortisation Start Date, Amortisation End Date, Cost Centres, and PO Number (Purchase Order Number)

    More columns can be added from the select column option near filters. The customer has the option to export the transactions in CSV format.

    The customer can filter out the transactions in the Recognised section by clicking on the “+ Add Filters” button highlighted below:

    Once the customer clicks on Add Filters, a Filter panel screen comes on the right-hand side of the platform, which includes a list of filters that can be applied. For example, customers can filter based on transaction date, transaction id, transaction amount, etc.

    If the customer selects transaction amount, they need to click the “+” button on Transaction Date and select the required filter—for example,  Greater than, Smaller than, Range, and Equal to.

    After selecting the required option, the customer can click the “Apply” button to view the filtered transactions.
    Customers can add a new transaction manually by clicking on the “+ Add” button. 
    Please refer to the below screenshot:

    Here, the customer needs to add the application name, choose the relevant currency from the dropdown, enter the amount, and select the date and the Payment Method used. After entering all the details, the transaction can be saved by clicking on the “Add Transaction”  button.

    Also, if the customer selects multiple applications by clicking on the checkboxes near the application name, they can see two additional options on top near the search box: Change Payment Method and Bulk Edit. Please refer to the below snapshot:

    Change Payment Method:

    Once the customer clicks on “Change Payment Method”, a dropdown will be displayed with the following options:

    Here, the customer can assign any payment method to the selected transactions in the Zluri system.

    Bulk Edit:

    If the customer clicks on Bulk Edit, the following options will appear:

    Here, the customer can unassign the selected apps or move them into the Archive section.

    If the customer clicks on “Unassign Apps”, the below screen will appear:

    Here, Zluri will provide a few suggestions: 

    1. Zluri will automatically detect similar transactions w.r.t. what the customer has currently selected.

    2. Zluri will provide an option to include all similar transactions for the bulk edit option or proceed with the manually selected transactions. The customer can click the “Include All” or “Select Manually” radio button to choose the preferred option.

    3. Zluri will also provide an “Automatically unassign all future transactions from this app” option. The customer can click this checkbox to select this option for future transactions.

    Once the selections are made, the customer can click the “Unassign App” button to implement the Bulk Edit operation.

    Similar options will appear for the customer if he selects “Archive” under the Bulk Edit option.

    If the customer selects a transaction and clicks on the three dots in the top right corner, he can re-calculate the “spends” from the date he wants to consider. Once recalculated, the refreshed spends will be updated across the Zluri platform.

    The customer can directly change the payment method of a transaction by hovering on the Payment Method field. If the customer clicks on the edit pen symbol, a dropdown will show up containing a list of all available payment methods. 

    From this list, the customer can select a new payment method for this transaction.

    Unrecognised Transactions

    Unrecognised transactions have similar columns as present in the Recognised tab except for the Application name. Here, the customer can assign a transaction to an application.

    Again, the customer can select multiple transactions at once. Once selected, the “Change Payment Method” and “Bulk Edit” buttons will appear on the top. The only difference in the Bulk Edit option is that the customer can assign the apps by clicking on the “Assign App” option instead of “Unassign Apps”. The rest of the operations remain the same. Please refer to the screenshot:

    We can use the “Assign to App” option in the Assign_app column to directly assign an application to a single transaction. Please refer to the snapshot:

    Once the customer clicks on the “Assign to App” button, the below screen will appear:

    Here, the customer can select the application name they want to assign to this transaction. 

    Also, they can select the checkbox “Automatically assign all the future transactions to this app” to automate the assignment process for future transactions. The automatic assignment of transactions is done basis of the Transactions Description. Zluri will remember the transaction description for application mapping and will replicate it in the future.

    Archived Transactions

    Archived transactions are those transactions which are not software related or any transaction that customers don't want to be included in the transaction can be archived

    Hence, the customer can mark some transactions in the Archive category.

    If we select one or multiple transactions, we can Bulk Edit all to UnArchive category. Once done, all the transactions will move to the Unrecgnised tab.

    The rest of the functionalities remain the same on this tab.

    Payment Methods

    The customer can add payment methods like Credit cards, Bank Accounts or any other Payment Options.

    If they click on the “+ Add” button in the top right corner, they can add a new Payment option. Please refer to the below screenshot:

    If the customer selects the “Credit Card” option, they have to enter the below details and click on “Add Card” to save.

    If they select the “Bank Account” option, they can enter the below details to save:

    Finally, if they select the “Other” payment option, the below screen will appear, and they have to enter the details to save the payment option:

    If you click on 3 dots on a credit card payment method, you will get two options: 
    Edit Card and Delete Card.

    If the customer selects the “Edit card” option, they will be able to edit the card details and, in the end, can click on the “Edit Card” button in the below screen to save the edited data:

    If the customer clicks the “Delete Card" option, he can delete this payment method. Once done, a pop window will appear for confirmation like the below:

    Once deleted, the platform will be refreshed, and the selected card will be deleted.


    There are five columns in the Uploads section: 
    File Name, Date of Upload, Entries(number of entries), Recognised, and Unrecognised.

    The customer can upload the transactions on this tab manually if required. They can upload a CSV file with the relevant details. 

    Customers can use the filter option in the Uploads section to filter out the transactions they want to view on the platform. Please refer to the following snapshot:


    Two filter options are the Date of Upload and the Number of entries in a CSV file.

    For Uploading a new file, the customer needs to click on the “+ Add” button in the top right corner shown below:

    Once the customer clicks on Add, the below screen will appear on the right-hand side of the screen:

    From here, the customer can download the sample CSV file, enter the details and upload the updated CSV back. Sample CSV:

    In the case of Vendor and Cost Centres, if the names in the CSV match with existing Vendor Names and Cost Centre names, then Zluri maps the transaction to the specific Vendor or Cost Centre. If not, then new Vendors/Cost Centres are created with the same name as entered in the CSV.

    The data can also be sourced from financial integrations provided:
    1. The fields are available in the API response of the expense management system 

    2. The client maintains the data the in their expense management system

    If the customer selects a CSV file in the File Name column, the “Deactivate” button will appear in the top right corner. Please refer to the below snapshot:

    If they click on Deactivate button, the selected CSV file will be deactivated. Please refer to the snapshot:

    After deactivating a file, the below screen will appear:

    Similarly, the customer can activate a deactivated file by mistake. Please refer to the below screenshot:

    Once, the customer clicks on the “Activate” button, the file will be activated:

    If the customer clicks on any file name in the Uploads section, it will open up new tabs inside the Uploads section with details of Recognised, Unrecognised and Archived transactions within that file.

    For example, in the below screenshot, the first file has 3 transactions: 2 recognised and 1 unrecognised.

    Uploads - Recognised

    The number of transactions in the recognised tab is 2, as per the above example.

    As shown earlier, the customer can change the payment method and do the bulk edit by selecting one or more transactions:

    Also, the customer can change the payment method of any transaction by clicking on the down arrow button under Payment Method - Add Payment Method.

    Uploads - Unrecognised

    The number of transactions in the unrecognised tab is 1, as per the above example.

    The customer can move the unrecognised transaction to the recognised category by clicking the “Assign to App” button.

    Uploads - Archived

    As per the above example, out of three transactions, none was archived. Hence, the below section will have 0 transactions.

    Filter Option - Details

    The Transactions Module presents the entire transaction data for the users, which can be filtered by using the following filters:

    1. Transaction ID: This is an ID which is stored in the backend. The users do not have access to these IDs. This is something the Zluri backend team would use for any sort of validation or troubleshooting.   

    2. Applications:  here, the users can choose applications they want to see the transactions. The user can enter the name of the application under the ‘Text Contains’ section.

    3. Transaction Description: the transactions have certain data under the Transactions Description column, and if the users wish to filter transactions on this, then this filter can be enabled.

    4. Transaction Date: transactions for 1.) Specific Date 2.)Before a specific date 3.)After a specific date, and 4.)A date range can be viewed by using this filter

    5. Transaction Amount:  if transactions are to be filtered based on the amount
      a.)Transaction Amount greater than
      b.Transaction Amount lesser than
      c.) Transaction Amount is in a specific range

                    d.)Transaction Amount is equal to a specific amount

    1. Currency: transactions in the default currency of the organisations

    2. Original Transaction Amount: transaction amount after conversion to the default currency of the organisation

    3. Original Currency: currency in which the transaction was actually carried out

    4. Source: Source here refers to the source of the transactions - this could either be from an expense management system from an uploaded CSV, manually uploaded transaction etc.

    5. Source Id:  this is an ID for which we store in the backend. The users do not have access to these IDs. This is something the Zluri backend team would use for any sort of validations or troubleshooting.   

    6. Payment Method Id: this is an ID for which we store in the backend

    7. Payment Method: the payment method assigned to the transaction 

    8. Last Digits:  the last four digits of the payment method can be used to filter the transactions using this filter.

    9. Transaction Type: can be filtered using Text contains and Text does not contain options.

    10. Vendor Name: name of the vendor

    11. Vendor ID: this is an ID for each vendor which is stored in the backend. The users do not have access to these IDs. This is something the Zluri backend team would use for any sort of validation or trouble shooting.   

    12. Amortization Start Date: The date from which amortisation needs to be enabled.

    13. Amortization End Date: The date till which amortisation needs to be enabled.

    14. Cost Center: cost centre of each business unit/department.

    15. PO Number: purchase order number for each order.

  • Recognized Transactions

    This section lists transactions which have been mapped to an application. These will be reflected in your dashboard and individual application spending.

  • Adding a Transaction manually


    To manually add a transaction, you must click the ‘Add’ button on the top right corner. In the pop-up, you will need to search & select the application, enter the currency, amount, and transaction date & select a payment method. Click ‘Add Transaction’ to add the transaction.

    If you wish to add a transaction for a product that does not exist in your workspace, you can click ‘Add New Application’. It will open a side pane where you can fill in the product-related details and save the product.

  • Bulk Unassigning / Archiving Transactions

    Clicking the checkboxes on the left-hand side opens up the bulk options to unassign/archive transactions. Unassigning apps will remove the transactions from the recognised section and move them to the unrecognized section. Archiving transactions moves them to the archived section.

  • Unrecognized Transactions

    This section lists the transactions which are either unrelated to SaaS products or could not be determined which SaaS product to be mapped to. These transactions will not be reflected in the dashboard until they are mapped to an application.

  • Assigning Transactions to a Product

    To assign an unrecognized transaction to a product, hover your mouse cursor on the right-hand side of the row and you will see an ‘Assign to App’ option.

    Clicking on the ‘Assign to App’ option will show a popup where you can search for an application & select it.

    After selecting the application and clicking next you will see all similar transactions in the past. You can select all those transactions you wish to map to the app & click ‘Assign App’.

    Important: The checkbox “Automatically map all future transactions to this app” is important to set appropriately. If you tick it, all future transactions with the same description will continue to map to the same product. If the transaction description is generic, and should not always map to the same product, it is important you keep it unticked.

  • Bulk Assigning/Archiving Transactions

    You can select multiple transactions and click ‘Assign Apps’ or ‘Archive’.

  • Archived Transactions

    This section lists the transactions which are not related to a SaaS product and will not be reflected in the dashboard.

  • Unarchive Transactions

    To unarchive transactions, you will need to select one or many transactions & click ‘Unarchive’ in bulk actions.

  • Payment Methods

    The customer can add payment methods like Credit cards, Bank Accounts or any other Payment Options.

    If they click on the “+ Add” button in the top right corner, they can add a new Payment option. Please refer to the below screenshot:

    If the customer selects the “Credit Card” option, they have to enter the below details and click on “Add Card” to save.

    If they select the “Bank Account” option, they can enter the below details to save:

    Finally, if they select the “Other” payment option, the below screen will appear, and they have to enter the details to save the payment option:

    If you click on 3 dots on a credit card payment method, you will get two options: 
    Edit Card and Delete Card.

    If the customer selects the “Edit card” option, they will be able to edit the card details and, in the end, can click on the “Edit Card” button in the below screen to save the edited data:

    If the customer clicks the “Delete Card" option, he can delete this payment method. Once done, a pop window will appear for confirmation like the below:

    Once deleted, the platform will be refreshed, and the selected card will be deleted.

  • Adding Payment Methods

    To add a payment method, click the ‘Add’ button on the top right & select the type of payment option you wish to add. Or you can click on the options to add each type of payment method in their sections. 

    Adding a credit card: To add a credit card, you will need to enter the card name, the last four digits of the card, card type & currency. Right now, Zluri supports only USD as the default currency. More currency support will be added in future.

    Is this required? 

    Adding a credit card: To add a credit card, you will need to enter the card name, the last 4 digits of the card, card type & currency. Right now, Zluri supports only USD as the default currency. More currency support will be added in future.

    Adding a bank account: To add a bank account, you will need to enter the Account Name, Beneficiary Name, Last five digits of the account number & default currency. Right now, Zluri supports only USD as the default currency. More currency support will be added in future. 

    To add any other payment method, you must enter the payment method name, upload a logo & select the currency option.

    To edit a payment option, you must click the three dots on the top right corner of the payment method.

  • Assigning payment methods to transactions

    You can assign a payment method to a transaction by clicking the ‘Add payment method’ option, searching for a payment method & clicking it. The ‘Assign payment method’ option is available for recognized, unrecognized & archived transactions.

  • Changing payment methods for transactions

    You can change the payment methods for all transactions in recognized transactions, unrecognized transactions & archived transactions. 

    You will need to select the transactions & click change payment method.

  • Filter Option: Brief description of options within the Filter feature.

    The Transactions Module presents the entire transaction data for the users, which can be filtered by using the following filters:

    1. Transaction ID: This is an ID which is stored in the backend. The users do not have access to these IDs. This is something the Zluri backend team would use for any sort of validation or troubleshooting.   

    2. Applications:  here, the users can choose applications they want to see the transactions. The user can enter the name of the application under the ‘Text Contains’ section.

    3. Transaction Description: the transactions have certain data under the Transactions Description column, and if the users wish to filter transactions on this, then this filter can be enabled.

    4. Transaction Date: transactions for 1.) Specific Date 2.)Before a specific date 3.)After a specific date, and 4.)A date range can be viewed by using this filter

    5. Transaction Amount:  if transactions are to be filtered based on the amount
      a.)Transaction Amount greater than
      b.Transaction Amount lesser than
      c.) Transaction Amount is in a specific range

                    d.)Transaction Amount is equal to a specific amount

    1. Currency: transactions in the default currency of the organisations

    2. Original Transaction Amount: transaction amount after conversion to the default currency of the organisation

    3. Original Currency: currency in which the transaction was actually carried out

    4. Source: Source here refers to the source of the transactions - this could either be from an expense management system from an uploaded CSV, manually uploaded transaction etc.

    5. Source Id:  this is an ID for which we store in the backend. The users do not have access to these IDs. This is something the Zluri backend team would use for any sort of validations or troubleshooting.   

    6. Payment Method Id: this is an ID for which we store in the backend

    7. Payment Method: the payment method assigned to the transaction 

    8. Last Digits:  the last four digits of the payment method can be used to filter the transactions using this filter.

    9. Transaction Type: can be filtered using Text contains and Text does not contain options.

    10. Vendor Name: name of the vendor

    11. Vendor ID: this is an ID for each vendor which is stored in the backend. The users do not have access to these IDs. This is something the Zluri backend team would use for any sort of validation or trouble shooting.   

    12. Amortization Start Date: The date from which amortisation needs to be enabled.

    13. Amortization End Date: The date till which amortisation needs to be enabled.

    14. Cost Center: cost centre of each business unit/department.

    15. PO Number: purchase order number for each order.


    • Card Payment is currently not functional due to API integration issues 

    • the CSV template does not support global standards as yet. So, please follow the template instructions as is for a smooth upload

    • Once the manual upload of data is done, do check for the accuracy of spend data in the ‘Overview’ section.

  • Uploads

    There are five columns in the Uploads section: 
    File Name, Date of Upload, Entries(number of entries), Recognised, and Unrecognised.

    The customer can upload the transactions on this tab manually if required. They can upload a CSV file with the relevant details. 

    Customers can use the filter option in the Uploads section to filter out the transactions they want to view on the platform. Please refer to the following snapshot:


    Two filter options are the Date of Upload and the Number of entries in a CSV file.

    For Uploading a new file, the customer needs to click on the “+ Add” button in the top right corner shown below:

    Once the customer clicks on Add, the below screen will appear on the right-hand side of the screen:

    From here, the customer can download the sample CSV file, enter the details and upload the updated CSV back. Sample CSV:

    In the case of Vendor and Cost Centres, if the names in the CSV match with existing Vendor Names and Cost Centre names, then Zluri maps the transaction to the specific Vendor or Cost Centre. If not, then new Vendors/Cost Centres are created with the same name as entered in the CSV.

    The data can also be sourced from financial integrations provided:
    1. The fields are available in the API response of the expense management system 

    2. The client maintains the data the in their expense management system

    If the customer selects a CSV file in the File Name column, the “Deactivate” button will appear in the top right corner. Please refer to the below snapshot:

    If they click on Deactivate button, the selected CSV file will be deactivated. Please refer to the snapshot:

    After deactivating a file, the below screen will appear:

    Similarly, the customer can activate a deactivated file by mistake. Please refer to the below screenshot:

    Once, the customer clicks on the “Activate” button, the file will be activated:

    If the customer clicks on any file name in the Uploads section, it will open up new tabs inside the Uploads section with details of Recognised, Unrecognised and Archived transactions within that file.

    For example, in the below screenshot, the first file has 3 transactions: 2 recognised and 1 unrecognised.

    Uploads - Recognised

    The number of transactions in the recognised tab is 2, as per the above example.

    As shown earlier, the customer can change the payment method and do the bulk edit by selecting one or more transactions:

    Also, the customer can change the payment method of any transaction by clicking on the down arrow button under Payment Method - Add Payment Method.

    Uploads - Unrecognised

    The number of transactions in the unrecognised tab is 1, as per the above example.

    The customer can move the unrecognised transaction to the recognised category by clicking the “Assign to App” button.

    Uploads - Archived

    As per the above example, out of three transactions, none was archived. Hence, the below section will have 0 transactions.

Contract and License Management

Contract and License Management

  • Overview

    Clicking a contract will take you to the contract overview page, where all the details about the contract are displayed.

    • Contract name

    • Application name

    • Contract owner

    • Vendor

    • Status

    • Plan Name

    • Contract start date

    • Contract end date

    • Contract value

    • Payment method

    • Renewal date

    • Payment term

    • Signed By Both Parties (Yes/No)

    • Approved By Finance (Yes/No)

    • Approved by IT (Yes/No)

    • Compliance Verification (Yes/No)

  • Procedure to add a Contract

    Step 1: You can add a contract from the contracts landing page by clicking on the ‘Add’ button in the top right corner.

    Clicking the ‘Add’ button will open a side panel where you can fill in the contract details.

    Step 2: Enter the app name to select the application.

    • Add a brief description of the Contract.

    • Enter the details thus asked for Vendor and Owner.

    • Select the contract start and end date.

    • Set the Renew/Cancel date.

    • Payment term - Choose if it’s a one-time payment or recurring payment.

      1. If it’s a recurring payment, select the recurring term.

      2. Select when the first payment was made for the contract.

    • Choose the cost Amortization settings. This is necessary as the duration over which the entire cost of the contract is distributed depends on the choice the user makes. There are mainly 5 categories to choose from, namely: 

    • Monthly: The cost of the contract is distributed over all the months of the contract

    • Yearly: The cost of the contract is attributed just to the starting month of the contract

    • Financial Year: The cost of the contract is attributed just to the starting month of the financial year

    • Payment Term:  Depending on the option chosen, if the payment term is recurring then the cost is attributed depending on the frequency chosen

    • Quarter: The cost is attributed once every quarter

    • Start Date: The start date of the contract

    This will reflect in the cost vs spend table in the application overview and app spends.

    • License Assignment Precedence: This can be selected based on the start date or the amount.

    Step 3: You need to complete the checklist details.

    • Add the necessary documents for the contract.

    • Assign the necessary permissions in the form of toggle yes/no, namely

    1. Select whether the contract is Signed by both parties

    2. Assign whether the contract is Approved by Finance & IT

    3. Choose whether the contract has Compliance Verification completed

    Step 4: This will list all the current License details. Here you can also:

    • Enable the checkbox whether you have been charged a base price for this contract

    • Select the currency

    • Add a discount or a one-time fee to the Licence.

    The license is now added in the form of a pop once the ‘Add Licence’ button is selected.


    You can now add multiple line items can be added to the same license now.

    Step 5: This opens the Review option, where you can make last-minute edits before submission and add the contract by clicking on Add Contract.

  • Auto-Increment/Auto adjust:

    The auto-increment previously changed the quantity without recording the date of the increase in quantity. Now, we are creating a new group is created from the date when the license was detected.

    Suppose auto-increment is ‘On’ for a contract, and Zluri detects more licenses through the API call. In that case, It will automatically create a group with an extra number of licenses starting from the current date.

    Suppose auto adjust is ‘On’ for a subscription. In that case, the license quantity will increase or decrease based on the number of licenses detected from the API call to match the total number of licenses.

    Keeping auto-increment/auto-adjust off will not capture the fluctuations in the licenses. However, users can manually adjust the number of licenses.

  • Cost Calculation:

    Pro-rata: cost is calculated only for the duration for which the additional quantity is added

    Months: irrespective of the number of days used in a month, the cost is calculated for the entire month

    Quarters: irrespective of the number of days used in a quarter, the cost is calculated for the entire quarter

    Years: irrespective of the number of days used in a year, the cost is calculated for the entire year

  • License Tab


    License management in Zluri helps you organise, manage and streamline all licenses, spends, and costs associated with your application ecosystem.


    License information is gathered from all direct app integrations and directly populated in the license module. Specific details that aren’t collected can be entered manually to make the information whole. Four tabs are present here: Licenses, Subscriptions, Contracts and Perpetuals.

    For example, the number near the Licenses tab indicates the number of unique licenses present, and the same applies to the other three tabs.

    Licence Tab

    The licence tab shows only the active groups/ active entities of a particular license. Also, the cost of only the active license group/entity is attributed.

    When multiple licences are active, It shows the average cost/license and sum of quantities of both groups.

    E.g., One license has two entities, one from 1st Jan to 1st Aug and the other from 1st Aug to 31st Dec then, based on the date, one of the two entities would be active. On 28th Sept, the second group/entity would be active.

    License mapper

    Most licenses are automatically mapped to the users/teams they are associated with. If users are not mapped, they can be added in manually by the administrator.

    License type

    Zluri supports two types of App licenses.

    • Seat-based: Seat-based licenses are those procured and priced based on the number of users/employees your organisation has set.

    • Quantity-based: Quantity-based licenses are calculated based on a specific application metric the vendor mentions. 

    Data sourcing for Licenses:

    • Direct integrations: Zluri can connect directly with the application. if the integration is supported

    • Manual contracts: If license information cannot be extracted, it is uploaded manually.

    In the Licence tab, there are five KPIs on top, which represent the summary of the whole Licenses tab:

    Total Contracts: total number of contracts present in the organisation.

    Total Applications: total number of applications in the contracts.

    Total Contracts Value: the total amount of the contracts cumulated together.

    Annualised Cost: the total cost of the contracts considered for the current financial year.

    Renewals: the total number of renewals upcoming for the current month.

    In a more detailed view, there is more information present in below columns:

    Licence name, Application name, Type of Licence, Assigned Quantity, UnAssigned Quantity, Cost/Licence, Total Cost, Utilized Value, Unutilized Value, Source, and Utilization.

    The cost/license field can be edited from the platform if needed. To edit, click on the edit pencil symbol for any license:

    A new page will open up. The customer should go to the License Details section and again click on the edit pencil symbol to update the cost/license field. Please refer to the screenshots:

    After clicking the “Save Changes” button, a popup informs you about the successful action. Please refer to the below snapshots:

    The cost/license should be changed from 10 to 20 on the main page as per the modification done:

    By selecting the checkbox, the customer can choose multiple licenses. Once, selected “Bulk Edit” option appears on the right-hand side:

    By using the “Bulk Edit” option, the customer can archive/unarchive or delete the selected licenses:

    In the Application field, some indicators suggest whether the application is managed, unmanaged or needs review. The same information will be displayed on the platform. Please refer to the  below screenshot: if the customer clicks on these

    *Green colour: Managed, Black Colour: Needs Review, Blue Colour: Unmanaged, Red Colour: Restricted. 

    Licenses information can be exported using the “Export” option in the top right corner:

    Subscriptions Tab

    Subscriptions are a flexible category of licensing supported on Zluri. Subscriptions can be charged monthly, quarterly or yearly, depending on the agreement with the vendor.

    In the Subscriptions tab, below mentioned columns are present:

    Subscription name, Application name, Total Licenses, Next payment, License Types, Total Cost, Payment Method, and No. Of Documents. 

    Subscription Name - It is the name of the subscription which can be active or cancelled, as shown in the screenshot.

    If the customer hovers over License Types, a small window appears that shows different types of licenses and the quantity of each license type.

    The payment method of any subscription can be changed by clicking on Add Payment Method for any subscription and selecting the required payment method.

    How to Add a New Subscription

    To add a new subscription, the customer must click the “+Add” button, as shown below:

    Enter the application name and select the appropriate option from the list if available. 

    If it is a new application, select “+Add a new Application”. It will open up a new window on the right-hand side. The details can be filled in here and saved.

    If the customer selects the “Not an app?” option, the textbox for entering the application name will be greyed out, and the customer can enter the following relevant information:

    If the application name is entered, the below Basic Details must be entered to proceed to the next step:

    Basic Details:

    • Subscription name - Required

    • Application - Required

      • Select by searching an application or select ‘not an app.’

    • Vendor - Required

    • Primary Owner - Required

      • Select from the dropdown list of all users in the organisation

    • Finance owner - Optional

    • IT Owner - Optional

    • Start date - Required

    The auto-Renews checkbox can be selected if one wants a subscription to be auto-renewed before the expiry date.

    Cost Amortisation - The duration over which the entire cost of the contract is distributed depending on the user's choice. Details below:

    Cost Amortisation Settings:

    The duration over which the entire cost of the contract is distributed depends on the user's choice.

    • Monthly: the cost of the contract is distributed over all the months of the contract.

    • Yearly: the cost of the contract is attributed just to the starting month of the contract.

    • Financial Year:  the cost of the contract is attributed just to the starting month of the financial year

    • Payment Term:  depending on the option chosen, if the payment term is recurring, then the cost is attributed depending on the frequency chosen

    • Quarter: the cost is attributed once every quarter

    • Start Date: the start date of the contract

    License Assignment Precedence - In case multiple entities are active at the same time, then the Licence Assignment Precedence comes into the picture (under the basic details)

    • Start Date: the license with an earlier start date is assigned.

    • Amount: the license with a lesser amount is assigned.

    After entering the Basic Details, the next step is to enter the License Details:

    If the customer has paid a base price for the subscription, the checkbox “I am charged a base price for this subscription” should be selected.

    The currency can be set from the Select Currency option.

    If setup fees or discounts are available, both can be added here before adding a license.

    Now, the customer needs to add license information by clicking on the “+ Add license” button:

    • License type - Seat Based/Quantity Based

    • License Name - Required

    • Cost/license- Required

    • Quantity- Required

    • Auto adjust - You can enable it if the license can be auto-adjusted to match the growing number of users.

    • Discount - Optional

    • License term - Optional

    • Cost per term - Auto calculated

    • Set up fee - Optional

    • Discount - Optional

    • The quantity of licenses can be split across multiple types of licenses.

    • Apply Cost - option allows the customer to choose cost on a pro-rata basis or per month/quarter/year basis.

    Finally, after entering all the details, the Save button gives the option to save the details. The screen will look like this: 

    Click on the Next button to review the details and Add the new Subscription:

    The newly added subscription will be displayed like this:

    How to Edit a Subscription

    You can edit a subscription by clicking the ‘Edit’ button beside the subscription name on the individual subscription page. It will open a new page where you can edit the subscription details.

    The customer can edit and delete the licenses from the above-highlighted buttons. If the edit button is clicked, the below screen will appear:

    Here, the editing of the license can be done and saved.


    If auto-adjust is ‘On’ for a subscription, the license quantity will increase or decrease based on the number of licenses detected from the API to match the total number of licenses always. 

    Keeping auto-increment/auto-adjust off will not capture the fluctuations in the licenses. However, users can manually adjust the number of licenses.

    Contracts Tab

    In the Contracts tab, below mentioned columns are present:

    Contract, Application, Vendor, Agreement Type, Total Cost, Status, Total Licenses, Assigned Licenses, License Types, Payment Term, Auto-Renewal, Start Date, End Date, Term Length, Annual Spend, Renewal/Cancel By Date, Payment Method, No. of Documents.

    • Agreement Type can be Master, SOW, Service, or True Up. 

    • The Payment Terms can be One Time, Every month, Every three months, etc. 

    • The Auto-Renewal can be OFF/ON. Term Length is the duration of the contract.

    • The Annual spend is the annualised amount spent in the contract for various applications/licenses. 

    • No. of documents is the document related to the contract.

    A Contract has fixed start and end dates.

    How to Add a New Contract

    To add a new contract, the customer must click the “+Add” button, as shown below:

    On the first screen, the customer needs to enter the application name. He also has the option to renew the existing contract if he selects the “Renew and existing contract” checkbox. He can enter the old contract name:

    If the customer is creating a new contract, they need to enter the application first and proceed to fill other details:

    Basic details:

    • Contract name - Required

    • Application - Required

      • Select by searching an application or select ‘not an app.’

    • Vendor - Required

    • Primary Owner - Required

      • Select from the dropdown list of all users in the organisation

    • Finance owner - Optional

    • IT Owner - Optional

    • Contract start date - Required

    • Contract end date - Required

    • Agreement Type can be Master, SOW, Service, or Turn Up.

    • Master agreement - The first agreement comprises the agreement's terms and conditions.

    • Service - the services and payments that are offered between both parties.

    • SOW - Statement of work - comprises goals, deliverables, projects etc.

    • True ups - additional services/licenses procured in future after the first agreement.

    • Cost Amortisation can be set for Months, Years, Quarters, FY, and Start Date.

    • Important: Adding renewal/cancel by date will add the contract to the renewal calendar & contract owner/IT admin can set alerts to remind them about upcoming renewals.

    After entering Basic Details, next, the customer needs to fill out the Checklist. Here the customer can upload a copy of the contract and enable the relevant options on the right side, whichever is applicable:

    Important: You can add/delete the type of document you want from the document checklist.

    After filling in the details, he can click on Next to enter License Details:

    The customer can fill in the base price, discount and setup fees if applicable:

    Once the customer clicks on “+ Add license”, the below screen will appear:

    • License Name and Description are mandatory fields.

    • Cost/License can be filled in per term/license term/month/quarter/year.

    • The total number of licenses can be filled in Quantity.

    • Quantity can be split across multiple license types, too, if needed.

    • The Auto Increment option can be enabled to match the number of licenses to the number of users.

    • Cost can be applied on a pro-rata or Months/Quarters/Years basis. Details below:

    Individual Licence Term:

    The new licence module allows users to add duration for specific line items. This can be done by clicking the ‘Add’ button (+ symbol) and choosing the licence duration.

    To solve the aforementioned problem, we can now add 2 line items with the same name for different durations and different quantities. 

    Earlier, the user would have to create two different line items with different names to accommodate two license with just different quantities and costs.

    Cost Calculation Settings:

    • Pro-rata: cost is calculated only for the duration for which the additional quantity is added

    • Months: irrespective of the number of days used in a month, the cost is calculated for the entire month

    • Quarters: irrespective of the number of days used in a quarter, the cost is calculated for the entire quarter

    • Years: irrespective of the number of days used in a year, the cost is calculated for the entire year

    Auto-Increment/Auto adjust:

    The auto-increment previously just changed the quantity without recording the date of the increase in quantity. Now, we are creating a new group is created from the date when the licence was detected.

    If auto-increment is ‘On’ for a contract, and Zluri detects more licenses through the API, It will automatically create a group with an extra number of licenses starting from the current date.

    If auto adjust is ‘On’ for a subscription, the license quantity will increase or decrease based on the number of licenses detected from the API to match the total number of licenses always.

    Keeping auto-increment/auto-adjust off will not capture the fluctuations in the licenses. However, users can manually adjust the quantity of licenses.

    The customer can click on the Save button after filling in the details; the customer has the option to review the details entered, add a new license and go to the next step by clicking on the “Next button”:

    The customer can add the contract here if everything looks fine:

    The newly added contract will look like this, and a pop-up will appear on the left side of the screen confirming the same:

    How to Edit a Contract

    You can edit a contract by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button beside the contract name on the individual contract page. It will open a new page where you can edit the contract details.

    Here the customer can edit the basic details of the contract like Application name, Start Date, Payment Method, etc.

    Similarly, on License details, the customer can add/modify/delete the license-related details:

    Timelines: Contract timelines help you keep track of renewals and important touch points with your vendor, including the start date, end date, renewal date notifications and more.

    Perpetuals Tab

    Perpetuals are contracts without set expiry dates. Zluri recognizes perpetual  based on the information sourced.

    In the Perpetuals tab, below mentioned columns are present:

    Contract, Application, Vendor, Total Cost, License Types, Status, Start Date, Payment Methods, No. of Documents.

    A Perpetual license doesn’t have an end date but Contracts have.

    How to Add a New Perpetual

    To add a new contract, the customer must click the “+Add” button, as shown below:

    Enter the name of the application to start with: 

    • Perpetual name - Required

    • Application - Required

      • Select by searching an application or select ‘not an app’

    • Vendor - Required

    • Primary Owner - Required

      • Select from the dropdown list of all users in the organization

    • Finance owner - Optional

    • IT Owner - Optional

    • Contract start date - Required

    • Payment date - Optional

    • Payment Term is set as One time by default for Perpetuals.

    • Payment methods can be selected from the dropdown.

    • the Payment Date is the date of payment made for the contract. If PIA is selected, then the payment date will be set as the start date of the contract.

    After entering Basic Details, next, the customer needs to fill out the Checklist. Here the customer can upload a copy of the perpetual and enable the relevant options on the right side, whichever is applicable:

    The customer can fill in the discount and the setup fees if applicable:

    Once the custom clicks on “+ Add license”, the below screen will appear:

    • License type - Seat Based/Quantity Based

    • License Name - Required

    • Cost/license - Required

    • Quantity - Required

    • Auto increment - You can enable it if the license can be auto-adjusted to match the growing number of users

    • Discount - Optional

    • Cost per term - Auto calculated

    • Set up fee - Optional

    • Discount - Optional

    • Start date can be entered.

    After entering the details, information can be saved by clicking on the “Save” button:

    Once the details are reviewed, the customer can click on the Next button:

    After completing the review, the customer can click on the “Add Perpetual Contract” to save the perpetual:

    Once the Perpetual Contract is saved, it will appear like this:

    How to Edit a Perpetual

    You can edit a contract by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button beside the perpetual name on the individual perpetual page. It will open a new page where you can edit the perpetual details.

    Basic Details can be added here on the below page:

    License-related details can be added/modified/deleted on the below page:

  • Contract Notifications & Reminders:

    Contract renewal due in x days: 

    • This reminder notification is shared to - 

    App Owner

    App IT Owner

    App Finance Owner

    Contract Owner

    Contract IT owner

    Contract Finance owner

    • Auto Reminder - This is set for 7, 15 & 30 days before the contract renewal date. 

    Payment renewal due in x days:

    • This reminder notification is shared to - 



    IT Admin

    Payment Owner

    Procurement admin

    Finance Admin

    App Owner

    App IT Owner

    App Finance Owner

    Contract Owner

    Contract IT owner

    Contract Finance owner

    • Auto Reminder - This is set for 7 & 1 days before the payment due date. 

    Upcoming renewals due next month:

    • This reminder notification is shared to - 



    IT Admin

    Procurement admin

    • Reminders are triggered every month’s first day at 12:00 AM IST with a list of Contracts up for renewal in the following month.

    Contract end date reminder:

    • This reminder notification is shared to - 

    App Owner

    App IT Owner

    App Finance Owner

    Contract Owner

    Contract IT owner

    Contract Finance owner

    • Auto Reminder - This is set for 7 days before the end date. 

    Contract Cancel by Date reminder:

    • This reminder notification is shared to - 

    App Owner

    App IT Owner

    App Finance Owner

    Contract Owner

    Contract IT owner

    Contract Finance owner

    • Auto Reminders: This is set for 60, 30, 15 & 1 days before the cancel-by date. 

    • In case there is no cancel-by date is defined while adding a contract, these reminders will be calculated on the “Contract End Date”.

  • Contracts Upload using PDF files


    The Contracts PDF Upload feature enables users to seamlessly upload contracts using PDF files, streamlining the document management process and enhancing productivity.

    With this functionality, users can upload multiple contract documents directly and automatically add contracts based on the parsed information from the documents. This streamlined process saves time and effort compared to manually entering each contract individually. 

    Once the PDF document is processed, users can review the draft and add/edit information, if necessary. Once the draft is reviewed, they can click on ‘Add Contract,’ which will make it available under the Contracts section.

    This document provides a comprehensive overview of the Contracts PDF Upload feature and its functionality.

    Contracts Upload Section

    Navigate to the Licences > Uploads section to review all the uploaded documents. 

    You will be able to see four columns in that section

    • File - the pdf file that was uploaded. You will be able to download the file using the download icon beside it    

    • Date - date on which the file is uploaded

    • Status - processing status of the file

    • Uploaded By - user who uploaded the file

    Status of the Uploads

    • Pending - This indicates that Zluri AI is still processing the information uploaded

    • Review Draft - Zluri AI has successfully processed the information. You will need to review the draft information and click on ‘Add Contract’ to add the contract to the UI successfully.

    • Contract Added - The contract has been added under the Contracts section after the draft was reviewed and the user clicked on ‘Add contract.’

    How to Upload the Contracts

    • Navigate to the Licences > Uploads section click Add and select ‘Upload PDF’ to open the interface.

    • Click on ‘Browse & Upload’ to browse the document from your system. You can also drag and drop files to upload them.

    You can add up to 10 files in a single upload. Each file will be processed separately as an individual contract.

    At present we support only English language files. Please note that the maximum file size that can be uploaded is 5 MB.

    • Once the file is selected, it will be uploaded to the server. You will be able to see a prompt on the Upload screen once the files are uploaded successfully. 

    Click on ‘Submit’, and the document will be processed using Zluri AI processing. 


    In case of any errors during the upload process, you will need to reinitiate the upload process.

    • During processing, the documents will be in ‘Pending’ Status. 

    Once processed, the status will change to ‘Review Draft’ with an edit icon beside it.

    You will receive an In-app notification once the draft is ready for review.

    • Click on the edit option (a pencil icon beside the ‘Review Draft’ status) to access the processed information. At this stage, you can add/edit the processed information as required.

    The pdf document uploaded will automatically be added under the ‘Checklist’ section.

    You will be able to edit the license information under the ‘License Details’ section.

    • Once the information is reviewed, click on the ‘Add Contract’ or ‘Save as Draft’ option, as per the requirements.

    Clicking on ‘Save as Draft’ will not change any status on the Uploads screen. 

    Clicking on ‘Add contract’ will add it as a new contract in the UI. You will be able to find it under the ‘Contracts’ section with the reviewed information.

    The status of the document on the ‘Uploads’ screen will change to ‘Contract Added.’

    Note: The contract is not added to the UI unless the draft is reviewed and the user clicks on the ‘Add Contract’ option.

    • If you click on the pdf document on the Uploads screen, it will redirect to the Contract UI and display the Contracts uploaded using the pdf document. 

    You can review the contracts once they are added. 

Security and Compliance

Security and Compliance

  • Security

    This module deals with the overall security and compliance of all apps associated with the Zluri Dashboard. This is because SaaS brings new security and compliance challenges in modern times. Major concerns like Shadow-IT, exposing Personally Identifiable Information (PII), and sharing the company IP with 3rd parties are all just some of the security and compliance concerns your organization should address. 

    Zluri’s security module lists the critical applications & users based on the sensitive scopes they have access.

  • Critical Apps:

    This section basically lists the risky apps as they have a high threat level and may be compromised in terms of security and compliance standards. It is a very simple-to-use list, and you can customise the list based on the following:

    1. Applying filters: On the top of the Critical app list, you will see a button labelled Filter followed by a number which denotes the number of lists applied to the list. 

    You can add new filters by clicking on the Filter button, and then from the window that opens, click on Add Filters button.

    The following set of filters can be applied to Critical apps: 

    The filters can be selected on the basis of Archive, status (whether active or inactive), Application Name, Application Id, Threat level (is greater than), Critical user count, critical scope count (number of scopes that are under risk associated with the app), risk score and risk level.

    1. Applying Columns: You can customise the list by selecting the columns based on which the security information of an app is to be displayed. just click on the button next to the Filter button to open the Columns menu.

    From the above, select the columns you wish to keep and click apply.

  • Security Breakdown of App

    Zluri also provides the feature of providing detailed security and compliance information for individual apps. To do so, you can click the app name under the Critical Apps list. This will redirect you to the individual app page under the Applications module.

    Once the page opens, click on the Security & Compliance tab. This will take you to the Security & Compliance overview page, where you can view the detailed risk information about the application.

    Note: You can access the same app directly from the Applications module by clicking on the app name under the applications menu and selecting the Security & Compliance tab.

    On the overview page, you can view the following details about the security and compliance of the app:

    Status: Displays the overall risk status of the app as one of High, Medium or Low. Can also be used to reset risk status.

    Risk: Displays the current risk level of the app on a scale of 1 to 5. (Low To High Risk)

    Threat: Displays the current threat level of the app on a scale of 1 to 5. (Low To High Risk)

    Compliance: Shows which security & compliance standards the app is associated with it. Ex: GDPR

    Events: This can be found on the right-hand side of the overview page as the first of 4 tabs. It lists any recent events associated with the app’s risk or threat levels and all relevant information.

    Data Shared: This shows the current threat-based information associated with the app. For ex: When a user assigns a scope to the app to View and modify but not delete your email.

    Security grade: This is the final security rating assigned to the app on a score of 100. The assessment for the same is done based on several security factors. To view the detailed information on the same or to rescan the security assessment for a newer score, click on the Security Probes tab.

  • Critical Users:

    Note: You can view the critical user information for a particular app, like risk level or threat associated with a user, by simply clicking on the Users tab under the individual Applications menu.

    The critical users' list can be found right next to the critical apps list under the security module in the Zluri Dashboard. Similar to the table of critical apps, the critical users' tab contains the data table of Critical Users within an organization who currently pose a certain level of risk/threat to the organization by harnessing one or many critical apps which pose a risk to the organization.

    The data table consists of 5 columns:

    • Name: Used to identify the name of the critical user. 

    • Status: This shows whether the critical user is currently active or not.

    • Threat: This denotes the current threat score of the user.

    • Risk: This is used to denote the current risk level score of the particular critical user.

    • Critical Apps: This shows the current critical apps which the given persons are using

    Applying filters: On the top of the Critical users' list, you will see a button labelled Filter followed by a number that denotes the number of lists applied to the list. 


    You can add new filters by clicking on the Filter button, and then from the window that opens, click on Add Filters button.

    The following set of filters can be applied to the list of critical users:

    The filters can be selected based on Archive, status (whether active or inactive), Application Name, Application Id, Threat level (is more significant than), Critical user count, critical scope count (number of scopes that are under risk associated with the app), risk score and risk level.

    1. Applying Columns: You can customise the list by selecting the columns based on which the security information of an app is to be displayed. Just click on the button next to the Filter button to open the Columns menu.

    From the above, select the columns you wish to keep and click on apply.


These set of articles explain how to integrate various applications with Zluri.


  • Integrations

    Integrations display all the possible integrations available. As of now, Zluri supports direct integrations with 500+ applications and adds more and more integrations every month.

    To integrate any application with Zluri you must visit the integrations page in your Zluri workspace & click on ‘Connect’.

    The integration screen has all the categories present in it. We can view the list of integrations—category-wise—and sort them by name, active & status. There is also a recommended section that lists the apps used in your organization to integrate, a connected section that lists the apps connected by an organization at present and a pending requests section that shows a list of requests sent to co-workers for integration connection along with their status.

    The Integration module has 3 main subdivisions as follows: 

    Recommended: This section lists the apps which are highly recommended for integration. Recommended integrations are populated based on the most widely used apps used by users across your organization, Zluri fetches this information from the SSO you connect. Zluri recommends you to integrate with such apps, in case, integration is available for them.

    Connected: This section lists the apps already integrated with Zluri.

    Connection Requests: This section lists the apps which have already requested to be connected but are awaiting authorization or require the request to be resent.

  • Browse Catalog

    The Browse Catalog option in the Integrations menu houses the entire set of app integrations you associate with the Zluri Dashboard and provides all relevant information. As the name suggests, you can use the catalogue to find information about all integrations like instances, scopes, workflows, connection types, discovery types, etc.

    For ease of search, the Browse Catalog menu has been classified into three broad sections - Collections, Capabilities & Categories.

  • Collections

    This category organizes the app list based on popular choices and preferences. The categorization is done primarily based on the following three sub-categories:

    • Essentials: This lists the set of apps that are essential in bulk to the organization.

    • Staff Picks: This category lists the set of apps that the employees of your organization have most popularly used.

    • Workflow Favorites: These are the apps used mainly during assigning workflows.


    This category organizes the app list based on various capability features associated with the app. The categorization is done primarily based on the following three sub-categories:

    • Discovery: Integrations with Discovery capabilities can be used to Discover Users and user metadata like email, roles, department, designation etc.

    • Provisioning: Integrations with Provisioning capabilities can be used to assign/remove licenses from the app using workflow actions from Zluri during Onboarding/Offboarding.

    • Workflows: Integrations with workflow capabilities can onboard and offboard users directly from the application, using workflow actions directly from Zluri.
  • Connect App

    Integration with any application requires authorization from the application administrator. If you have the Application Admin credentials, you can yourself. Or you can send an invite to your co-worker to complete the authorization.

    If you are inviting your co-worker to complete the authorization, You will need to fill in his name, email & a note (optional), and we will send an invite to him. 

    Your co-worker will get an email with a link to complete the authorization. Your co-worker wouldn’t need to login to Zluri to integrate an app using the link sent. He needs to have the necessary permissions for integrating the application, generally Admin permissions. Once you/your coworker authorize any integration, you can see an overview of how the application is used across your organization. You will also be able to see which users use the application & their details, such as last used date, usage & spend allocated to them.

  • Instances

    Let us describe instances with the help of a popular Zluri integration ex: Google Workspace. 

    1. What are instances, and how can you view them? 

    Ans: Go to the Sources -> Integrations menu on the dashboard and select Google Workspace. You can see the option Instances highlighted with a list below. These list items are the instances available for Google Workspace:

    The integrations section allows you to add, remove, and customize instances for all integrations. Here, the term ‘Instance’ is a generic term which refers to each connection associated with an application. For example, when you integrate Google Workspace into the dashboard, multiple connections with different scope permissions for different use cases can exist. These connections are referred to as instances.

    1. What are scopes? What are the different kinds of scopes associated with a Google Workspace instance?

    Ans: In the previous section, we discussed how instances are connections you create for an application. With that perspective in mind, Scopes are the permissions required by Zluri to connect an instance. These scopes can be mapped to the capabilities that Zluri offers. In other words, to fetch/edit user data and other user metadata from an integration, you need to provide Zluri access to specific permissions and these permissions are called Scopes.

    The following types of scopes are available for Google Workspace:

    1. Required Scopes: These are the basic level permissions that are required to be enabled for each specific instance of Google Workspace. This is necessary to retrieve data from the organization's domain and its users. The screenshot above shows how each scope has been marked by a red asterisk on the right, indicating that this is mandatory.

    2. Other Scopes:

    These Scopes are utilised for Use cases other than discovering users and User metadata. These are utilised for executing workflow actions for adding a user to an app, assigning a license to a user etc while onboarding and Deleting user from the app, Revoking user license from the app etc while offboarding. You can provide permission to these scopes to utilise the Onboarding/Offboarding workflows and License provisioning capabilities in Zluri directly through workflow actions.

    1. Scopes For Discovery: These scopes are necessary for fetching information like User data metadata, user group data, user group subscriptions data and user aliases data. Zluri only utilises these scopes only for fetching data, not for editing data. 
      The main reason for permitting these kinds of scopes is that they primarily harness the data from the background through one of Zluri’s five powerful discovery methods to trace the data and take relevant actions. Some of these are optional.

    2. Scopes For Workflows: These scopes are required for workflow capabilities in Zluri; they allow Zluri to read and edit User data and metadata for your application. You can utilise the onboarding/offboarding and provisioning capabilities in Zluri by allowing these scopes on Zluri. These are optional, generally.

    1. How do I check which scopes are connected/disconnected from my Google Workspace?

    Ans: Go to the Integrations menu on the dashboard and select Google Workspace. Click on the name, and a side menu opens. Select the scopes button to open the Scopes menu and find the connected/disconnected scopes list. Ex:

    • See info about users on your domain

    • View groups on your domain

    • View domains related to your customers

    • View organization units on your domain

    • View groups on your domain

    • Manage data access permissions for users on your domain

    • View usage reports for your G Suite domain

    • View audit reports for your G Suite domain

    • View and manage G Suite licenses for your domain

    1. I opened my dashboard and did not find Google Workspace. How do I find it?

    Ans: This may happen because your Google Workspace is under the connected integrations menu. Open the Integrations menu from the Dashboard. On the left you will see 3 options under For You - Recommended, Connected and Connection Requests. Select the Connected Option. If you do not see the Google Workspace option, type the same in the Search menu and it will appear in the search list.

    1. I tried to add a new scope to my Google Workspace, and it failed. What should I do?

    Ans: If there is an error in connecting a scope, you can re-attempt to connect the scope using a similar process with the same Reference URL. Click on the Add Instance button in the Google Workspace option. Enable the scope you want to add and proceed to the connection authorization request. If the connection authorization process does not work, you can try to get it done using the Send to a co-worker option. If your co-worker can also not authorise the connection, please contact the Support team.

    1. What is the average sync time for Google Workspace SSO?

    Ans: The sync time is approx. 24-48 hours.

    1. How to validate user data for integration with Google Workspace?

    To check user data for a particular application, open the Zluri Dashboard and navigate to the application -> user screen.

    Google Workspace:

    Download the google workspace users and filter the users with status = active. The user count should match the count from the Zluri application with source = Google Workspace and User application status = active.

    1. How do I add/remove an instance from Google Workspace?

    Ans: From the integrations menu in the Zluri dashboard, you can select the add instance button directly from the Google Workspace menu or browse catalogue option and access the Google Workspace from the Integrations catalogue menu. The Google Workspace window opens. On the top left, you can click on the Connect an instance button to connect an instance and select subsequent scopes for the same before sending for authorization.

    Select the view instances option from the Google Workspace menu to delete an instance. This will take you to a separate Google Workspace menu under the Integrations menu in Dashboard. From here, you can view the list of instances that are disconnected or have some error under Google Workspace. To remove such an instance - select the three-dot menu on the top right of an instance and select the remove option.


    • You can also add an instance from the Google Workspace menu under the Integrations menu in Dashboard. Click the button “Add Instance” on the top right.

    • The user will remove all existing data associated with Google Workspace and its scope by removing an existing instance. This data will no longer be available.

    1. How do I connect/disconnect an instance from Google Workspace?

    Ans: Open Google Workspace under the browse catalogue menu. Click on View All Instances. From the Google Workspace window that opens, you can see the list of instances that are connected/disconnected.

    Click on the reconnect option in red below an instance to connect a disconnected instance. This will take you to the scope integration menu, and you will need to authorize the instance again, as previously discussed. 

    To disconnect an instance, select the three-dot menu on the top right and select the Disconnect option. Remember that if you disconnect an instance, any new data will not be synced with Zluri Dashboard, but the previously synced data will still be available.

    1. What should I do if my instance is disconnected due to a change in the admin account?

    Ans: This may happen if the admin account is deactivated or the permissions associated with an admin account are changed due to the existing admin leaving the organization. In such cases, you can either add a new instance with new admin account credentials or reconnect an existing instance with the new admin account credentials.

    Zluri recommends you choose the second option from above. This will ensure no loss of previously recorded data, and the dashboard will retrieve and sync the pre-existing data without any loss. In case a new instance has to be created, all previous data will be lost.

  • Multi-instance connection

    Through Zluri, you can connect multiple instances of the same application. Connecting all application instances will provide the aggregated data for the application across multiple instances and will help you understand usage, analyse spend & optimise licences more effectively.

  • Select an App

    Clicking on any app in the Integrations section will take you to the integrations catalogue page for the particular app. This can be done by:

    1. Selecting and opening any app in the Integrations module or

    2. Selecting an app from the Integrations catalogue.

    The app page lists all details about the particular app integration. This is done mainly by dividing the information into three categories:

  • Overview

    This section gives an overview of the integrated app and provides the following information:

    1. Zluri+App: This describes the capabilities Zluri can offer you when you connect the app with Zluri. 

    1. Supported plans: Name the plans offered by the app, which you can use to integrate with Zluri. For ex: For Postman integration, supported plans are 

    1. Similar Integrations: The list of apps similar to the one in question. For example, the following apps are similar to Postman in their capabilities. 

    1. Integration-related links: Any links associated with the particular app integration are listed here. Forex: Help docs etc.

  • Capabilities

    This section provides data about the capabilities of the integrated app and provides the following information:

    1. Integration details: The Data points are fetched from an Integration like Transactions, and the app users like User Profile Image, User Source status, Role, Email etc.

    2. Scopes: Scopes can be defined as the permissions associated with a user account that enables the Zluri dashboard to perform a specific action to retrieve specific data. Provides details about the scopes associated with the app integration.  

    1. PII: Personally identifiable Information provides the User metadata points like User Profile Picture, User Email, and User Name, which can be fetched from the integration.
  • Jira ITSM


    Adding fields to all the screens

    Before starting the integration setup, ensure that the following steps are completed to avoid any "field isn’t inappropriate screen" errors:

    Step 1: Access Jira Dashboard

    • Go to the Jira Dashboard.

    • Click on the gear icon located at the top left corner of the screen.

    Step 2: Navigate to Field Configurations

    • Click on "Issues" from the menu on the left-hand side.

    • Scroll down slightly until you see the "Fields" section.

    • Click on "Field Configurations.

    Step 3: Choose the Field Configuration for the Project

    • Select the appropriate field configuration that is relevant to the project you are working on.

    Step 4: Modify Screens for the Fields

    • Within the selected field configuration, locate the field that you want to integrate; you have to do this one by one for all the following fields: 

    1. Assignee

    2. Summary

    3. Description

    4. Epic Link

    5. Due Date

    6. Labels

    7. Priority

    8. Issue type

    • Click on the field to access its options.

    • Select the "Screens" option for that particular field.

    Step 5: Select Applicable Screens

    • In the "Screens" section, ensure that all the relevant screens are selected for the field.

    • To be on the safe side, it is recommended to select all the available screens.

    Step 6: Update the Configuration

    • Once you have selected the appropriate screens, click "Update" at the end of the screen to save the changes.

    Step 7: Repeat for Other Fields 

    • If you are integrating multiple fields, repeat Steps 4 to 6 for each of the remaining fields (e.g., Assignee, Summary, Description, Epic Link, Due Date, Labels, Priority, Issue Type).

    • Following these prerequisites will ensure that the mentioned fields are properly configured and accessible within the appropriate screens in Jira, minimising the chances of encountering the "field isn’t inappropriate screen" error after running the workflow for the  ITSM Service.

    Adding new status for Issues in Jira (For ex., Cancelled)

    Step 1: Navigate to workflows

    • Click on Settings and Go to Issues.

    • Click on Workflows

    Step 2:  Click on the three dots on the right side for the project for which you want to add the additional status

    • Click on Add Status Button

    • Select Cancelled, and after that, select the Checkbox for Allow all statuses to transition to this one.

    (if the Cancelled status is not present, then we can type out Cancelled and add it as a new status)


    • Check “Allow all statues to transition to this one”.

    • Click on Add to add the status


    • Click on Publish Draft above. You can save a backup copy if you want.

    • Back in the Issue Screen, verify that the new status has been added to the statuses.

    Making sure the transition to Done status has the Resolve Screen associated with it.

    Step 1: From the below screen, make sure that the transitions pointing to done has the Resolve Issue Screen associated with it

    • Click on the lines that are pointing to Done Status.

    • Click on edit

    Step 2: In the screen field, associate the Resolve Issue Screen with the transition

    Step 3: Make sure to do it for all the transitions pointing to Done Status.

    Workflow Settings

    Step 1: Access Workflow Settings:

    • Log in to the system with appropriate administrative credentials.

    • Navigate to the "Settings" section from the main dashboard.


    • Within the "Settings" section, locate and select "Workflow Settings."

    Step 2: Select Jira as Default Task Assignment:

    • In the "Workflow Settings" page, under “Manual Tasks”, by default, tasks may be assigned via Email.

    • Click on the radio buttons to select "Jira" as the default task assignment method.

    Step 3: Connect to Jira Instance:

    • After selecting "Jira," click on the "Connect to Instance" button to initiate the connection process.

    • Configure Jira Instance:

    • You will be prompted to connect the system to your Jira instance.

    • Follow the on-screen instructions to connect to Jira.

    • Make sure to select the “Create ITSM Webhook” Scope when connecting to the instance.

    Step 4: Choose Jira Instance:

    • Once you have connected Jira successfully, return to the workflow settings screen you will be able to see the message “ Connection Established Securely”

    • Click on “Configure” next to it.

    • Select the desired Jira instance from the list

    Step 5: Configure Default Fields:

    • Configure the default fields that will be used for creating tasks.

    • Ensure that the necessary fields are mapped correctly to avoid any data discrepancies.

    Step 6: Create Tasks

    • With the Jira instance successfully connected and default fields configured, Manual tasks will now be created and assigned via Jira automatically.

    • When you create new tasks, you will see all the default fields pre-populated.

    • After running the workflow, you will be able to see the logs by clicking on “view log” in the “Run logs” screen

    • You will be able to see the task even on the task dashboard.

  • Adobe Creative Cloud Integration

    1. Login to Adobe developer Console, i.e. https://console.adobe.io/ 

    2. Change your role to 'System Administrator' of the organization

    3. Create a new Project by clicking the button 'Create new Project'

    4. In the project, select 'Add API'

    5. In the list, select 'Adobe Services'

    6. Select User Management API and click on Next

    7. Select the type of Authentication as 'Service Account (JWT)' and click 'Next'.

    8. Select the first option, "Generate a Key pair", and click on 'Generate keypair'

    9. It will download a [config.zip](<http://config.zip>) file, which contains a file named private.key. Copy the file content and paste it into the private key field in Zluri.

    10. Save the configured API to your project by clicking the 'Save Configured API' button in the bottom right.

    11. Copy the Client ID, Client secret, Technical Account ID and Organization ID and paste it in Zluri UI.

  • Understanding BambooHR APIs & its Limitation

    This article is to understand how BambooHR APIs work & it’s limitations:

    1. If the Joining date for an employee is in future, then the department and job title of the employee will be populated on his joining date.

    2. The BambooHR APIs are inconsistent in sharing the data, and delay happens from the BambooHR. The delay can range from 1 day to a week. 

    3. The employee should have the work email added to the details in BambooHR to get the data processed. This processing can be changed as per request. Please contact the Zluri support team to process the users without the work email added in BambooHR. 
      • Zluri suggests adding the work email address in BambooHR to get a smooth onboarding process for new joiners. 

    4. The data sync from the integration happens every 24 hours. 

  • Miro (Custom) Integration

    This article explains the steps to connect to Miro custom in Zluri

    1. Login to your Miro account. Make sure you have the "Company Admin" role present.

    2. Create a developer team by navigating to Company Settings -> Teams -> Create a New Team with permission settings as default and the "Developer Team" checkbox selected

    3. Select "Build Apps" -> enter the app name, select the developer team that was just created, and unselect "Expire User Authentication Token".

    4. Click on the top right -> Settings -> Your Apps.

    5. Select the custom app that was created to connect to Zluri under "Created Apps"

    6. Under "Redirect URI for OAuth2.0", add this URI - https://integrations.zluri.com/connect_callback/mirocustom

    7. Navigate to "Permissions" and under all plans, select "boards: read", "identity: read", "team: read" to get user info

    • Select "boards: write", "identity: write", "team: write" for workflow actions

    • Note - for "team: read" and "team: write", you need to be a "Team Admin" within that specific team you're trying to connect

    8. Under "Enterprise Plan Only", you should see "auditlogs: read", "organizations: read", "organizations: teams: read", and "organizations: teams: write" if you're on the Miro Enterprise plan. Select them both:

    • "auditlogs: read" gives us activity info so you have accurate usage data

    • "organizations: read" and "organizations: teams: read" give us users and license info across all teams in the workspace you're connecting to

    • "organizations: teams: write" gives us permission to run workflow actions

    9. Once selected, navigate to Zluri -> Sources -> Integrations -> Browse Catalog and search for "Miro Enterprise (Custom)"

    10. Select Connect, enter the client ID and secret, and select connect again

    • You can find the client ID and secret in Miro Settings -> Your Apps -> Created App -> App Credentials

    11. Miro will request for authentication. Once authenticated, you should see a pop-up box stating that the connection is successful.

    12. Data will populate on Zluri within 24-48 hours.

  • Data Freshness Indicator

    This article explains how to read the data freshness indicator.

    You will be able to see a ‘data updated as of’ indicator in the application - users, Licenses, Application spends, App User Activity, Transactions, And Integrations pages. the 

    This article explains how to read the data.


    To understand the data point, It is important to understand how Zluri processes the data. Zluri’s integrations run every 24 hours and collect incremental data between the last sync and the current sync with some buffer. Once the sync completes, Zluri processes the data and presents it to the platform.

    Data updated as shows the latest data in any integration source that is processed completely and being shown in the platform.

    To elaborate, Lets an Okta sync started on 01-11-2023 at 09:30 AM UTC and ended on 2-11-2023 at 09:30 UTC. This means the Okta data as of 01-11-2023 at 09:30 AM UTC is completely fetched into Zluri. Then, let's say the data takes 6 hours to process and present in the platform at 3.30 PM UTC. You can find the Okta data of 01-11-2023 09:30 AM UTC data Zluri, which is completely updated in Zluri. The data freshness indicator will show as 01-11-2023 09:30 AM UTC. 

    Different data points take different time to process. Hence, the licenses, activities, transactions, etc., might show different data freshness indicators for the same source. 

    If table data is fetched from multiple sources, The indicator at the top of the table shows the minimum of the data points of all sources. Let's say there are 5 sources, each having different time at which their data has been updated. The indicator at the top of the table will show the minimum of the all their data updation of timestamp.

  • Okta (OAuth) Integration

    This article explains how to connect Okta (OAuth) to Zluri.

    Step 1:

    Open the Admin Console for your org.

    Step 2 :

    Navigate to Applications > Applications to view the current app integrations.

    Step 3:

    Click on the “Create App Integration” button.

    Step 4:

    Select OIDC - OpenID Connect as the Sign-in method.

    Step 5:

    Once you select OIDC - OpenID Connect, you will see the option to select the Application type. Choose  Web Application and then click Next.

    Step 6:

    Enter the App integration name.

    Step 7:

    Make sure the Authorization Code and Refresh Token is enabled in general settings.

    Step 8:

    In the Sign-in redirect URIs box, enter a callback field with values-  https://integrations.zluri.com/connect_callback/oktaoauth

    Step 9:

    Select “Allow everyone in your organization to access” in the controlled access and, then click on “Save”.

    Step 10:

    On clicking save, you are redirected to the newly created app integration’s home page. Navigate to okta api scopes and grant permissions to the below  listed mandatory scopes: 

    1. okta.apps.read
    2. okta.domains.read
    3. okta.factors.read
    4. okta.groups.read
    5. okta.groups.manage                               
    6. okta.logs.read
    7. okta.roles.read
    8. okta.users.manage
    9. okta.users.read
    10. okta.users.read.self

    Step 10:

    Navigate to general and select Client authentication as “Client secret”, you will find Client ID and secret here.

    Step 11:

    Copy the Client ID and secret from step 10 and paste it into the Zluri portal.

    Step 12:

    To get a domain, click on the top right corner and just below the username, you will find the domain name for your organization: "example.okta.com".

  • Zoom(Custom) Integration

    Connecting to Zoom Custom requires multiple steps to be performed in your Zoom account. 


    • The custom Oauth application created on your Zoom account should be done by a user who is an admin or an owner of your Zoom account. 
    • You will need to have a master account for a paid pro, business, or enterprise plan. 

      Please follow the steps below:
    • Login to your Zoom account. 

    • On the left side of the Navigation Pane, go to Advanced -> App Marketplace.

    • In the marketplace, on the top right, click on Develop and select Build App.

    • Select General App and click on Create. 

    In the scopes section, add the following scopes:

    • In Account Section
      View and manage sub accounts

      • View the account's sub accounts {account:read:list_sub_accounts_master}

    • In Billing Section
      View and manage sub account's billing info

      • Returns information on plan usage for an account {billing:read:plan_usage:admin}

    • In Group Section
      View groups

      • View a group's member {group:read:list_members:admin}

      • View groups {group:read:list_groups:admin}

    • In Phone Section
      View all users' phone information 

      • View calling plans {phone:read:list_calling_plans:admin}

      • View call logs {phone:read:list_call_logs:admin}

      • View call logs {phone:read:list_users:admin}

    • In Report Section
      View report data

      • View billing invoices {report:read:billing_invoice:admin}

      • View users usage report {report:read:list_users:admin}

      • View billing reports {report:read:billing:admin}

      • View meeting participate reports {report:read:list_meeting_participants:admin}

      • View meeting detail reports {report:read:meeting:admin}

      • View a user's usage reports {report:read:user:admin}

      • View user sign in/out activity logs {report:read:user_activities:admin}

      • View operation logs {report:read:operation_logs:admin}

      • View telephone reports {report:read:telephone:admin}

      • View daily usage reports {report:read:daily:admin}

    • In Role Section
      View all user roles

      • View roles {role:read:list_roles:admin}

      • View a role's members {role:read:list_members:admin}

    • In Room Section
      View all users' Zoom Rooms information 

      • View Zoom Rooms {zoom_rooms:read:list_rooms:admin}

    • In User Section
      View all User information 

      • View a user {user:read:user:admin}

      • View users {user:read:list_users:admin}

      • View a user's settings {user:read:settings:admin}

    Fill in the remaining required fields according to your company. 

    On Zluri, go to Sources -> Integrations -> Browse Catalog -> Search for Zoom Custom.
    Click on Connect.

    • Select all scopes and click on Continue.
    • Copy the client ID and secret from the custom application you created on your Zoom account, paste them here, and click on Connect. 
    • An authentication modal will open, you will need to authorize the connection using your work email ID.
    • Note: 
      The connection will be successful only if the authorization is done by a user who is an owner of the Zoom account you are trying to connect with Zluri. 
    • You will get a confirmation that the connection is successful.
    • You can edit the connection name and description and complete the setup. 

  • LaunchDarkly Data Processing

    How Zluri fetches the data:

    Zluri calls the following API to fetch the list of users from LaunchDarkly:


    Status Mapping:

    Users with "_pendingInvite"= false, User Application Status = Active

    Users with "_pendingInvite"= true, User Application Status = Suspended

    Users coming from earlier syncs but not coming in the latest sync are assigned user application status = 'Inactive'.

    How to validate the data:

    • Go to Account settings on the left panel

    • Click on Members

    • Members without an Invited tag below their names are active members

  • Segment.io Integration Guide

    How to Connect Segment.io with Zluri

    What is Segment.io?

    Segment.io is a leading Customer Data Infrastructure (CDI) platform that empowers companies to collect, store, and route user data to various tools and digital properties. With its powerful capabilities, Segment.io helps businesses put their customers at the center of every decision by providing a solid data foundation.

    Why Integrate Segment's Workspace with Zluri?

    Integrating Segment's workspace with Zluri offers a range of benefits, enabling Zluri users to seamlessly manage and optimize their customer data. By connecting Segment to Zluri, users gain access to a detailed view of Segment users and their usage patterns, allowing for enhanced decision-making and improved customer experiences.

    Integration Benefits on Zluri's Platform

    1. Real-time Visibility into Segment Users and Usage

    Zluri provides real-time visibility into Segment users and their usage patterns. IT admins can track how frequently users interact with the application, allowing for proactive decision-making and optimization of user experiences.

    2. Optimize Segment Licenses and Spend

    Identify inactive users through Zluri's integration with Segment, helping IT admins optimize Segment licenses and reduce unnecessary expenses. By understanding user behaviour, administrators can make informed decisions about license allocation and ensure efficient resource utilization.

    3. User and Usage Reports

    Zluri offers detailed reports on Segment users and their usage patterns. These reports provide comprehensive insights into user engagement, helping IT admins identify trends, popular features, and areas for improvement.

    4. Spend Optimization Reports

    Through analysis of user behaviour and usage patterns, Zluri delivers spend optimization reports to IT admins. These insights help organizations streamline their operations, reduce unnecessary expenses, and maximize the value derived from Segments.

    5. Analytics Dashboards

    Zluri empowers IT admins to create customizable analytics dashboards tailored to their specific needs. This flexibility allows for the monitoring of key performance indicators, user activities, and other relevant metrics critical for effective decision-making.

    Steps to Integrate using Segment's Public API


    • Zluri account with Team or Business plan.

    • Segment workspace with valid Workspace Owner Role permissions.

    • The API token should be generated by the Workspace Admin or Owner by accessing Segment’s Workspace settings


    For Zluri to have access to fetch and manage the list of users on your Segment workspace, the API token should be generated by the Workspace Admin or Owner by accessing Segment’s Workspace settings. The permissions of these tokens can be edited later, but the “List Users” permission is required by Zluri.

    Generate API Token on the Segment App

    • Step 1: Log in to the Segment App, and choose the Workspace you want to generate a token for. 

    Note: Each Segment Workspace requires a separate token.

    • Step 2: Navigate to Settings  → Access Management tab, and select Tokens

    Note: This tab lists any existing tokens created for the Workspace.

    • Step 3: Select Create Token and follow the prompts to generate a new token. 

    Note: Be sure to select the Public API token and avoid the Config API token. Once generated, store the token somewhere safe, like a password store or other secrets manager.

    Enter API Token in Zluri

    • Step 4: On the Zluri platform, navigate to Integration Catalog → Segment and click Connect Integration.

    • Step 5: Enter the API Key, and Select the Region as US or Europe, depending on your data residency policies.

    • Step 6: Click Connect.

    Note: A pop-up will open, indicating whether the connection is successful.

    By following these comprehensive steps, Zluri users can seamlessly integrate Segment's workspace, gaining valuable insights into user data and optimizing the utilization of Segment licenses.

    Required Scopes

    • Read Users: Zluri utilizes this scope to read the users of Segment.

    PII Data Collected

    • User Email

    • User Name

  • OneLogin Data Processing

    Zluri integrates with OneLogin to enable customers to manage users in OneLogin programmatically. This article explains how you can validate the user & license data of OneLogin presented in Zluri. 


    How Zluri fetches the data:


    Zluri calls the following API to fetch data from OneLogin: 


    We get State and Status from APIs.

    License and Status Mapping

    License Mapping:

    The ‘State’ codes define whether we should assign licenses or not.

    • State = 1, we assign licenses.

    • State = 0, 2, 3, no license assigned

    Status Mapping:

    The ‘Status’ codes define the user status(if this is the selected primary SSO) and user-app status for one login.

    • Status = 0, we mark the user as inactive,

    • Status = 1,3,4,5,7,8, we mark the user status as Active.

    • Status = 2, we mark the user as suspended.

    State and Status Definitions

    State definitions from API:

    • 0: Unapproved

    • 1: Approved

    • 2: Rejected

    • 3: Unlicensed

    Status definitions from API:

    • 0: Unactivated

    • 1: Active Only users assigned this status can log in to OneLogin.

    • 2: Suspended

    • 3: Locked

    • 4: Password expired

    • 5: Awaiting password reset. The user is required to reset their password

    • 7: Password Pending. The user has not yet set a password

    • 8: Security questions required. The user has not yet set their security question.

    Reference: For additional information, you can refer https://developers.onelogin.com/api-docs/1/users/update-user

    How to validate the data:

    Validating unlicenced user count

    1. On your OneLogin administrator account, navigate to Activity > Reports to access the Standard Reports.

    2. Download the ‘Unlicenced users’ report and match the count with the ‘no license assigned’ count received from the API.

    Validating active user count

    1. On your OneLogin administrator account, navigate to Users > Users to view a complete list of all users.

    1. Click Show filters, select Status > Active and match the count with the ‘Active Users’ count received from the API.

  • 1Password Prerequisites

    Integrating 1Password with Zluri needs the following prerequisites:

    • The user should have:
      • Admin credentials
      • Access to at least one vault
      • 2FA disabled
    • In case there are firewall rules in place, whitelist Zluri's IP address:
    • While connecting, do not add https:// or a trailing forward slash (/)  in Sign in address field. Examples of correct sign in addresses are: companyname.1password.eu and examplecompany.1password.us

    Afterwards, search for 1Password in the Integrations Catalog and connect the integration.


Workflow and Automations

These articles will explain how automations work in Zluri

Workflow and Automation

  • Workflows

    Workflow is a feature by Zluri that enables IT administrators to automate their SaaS operations. Zluri currently offers two types of workflows.


    1. Onboarding workflows - You can use Onboarding workflows to Add a user, Assign license to a User, Add user to different groups for different applications when a new user is added to your organization. You can do all this directly from Zluri.

    1. Offboarding workflows - You can use Offboarding workflows to Remove a user, Remove license from a User, Remove user from different groups for different applications when a user is leaving your organization. You can do all this directly from Zluri.

  • Onboarding Workflows

    The onboarding workflow contains 3 tabs. 

    1. Draft: It lists the workflows which are not completely set up.

    2. Templates: You can set up a workflow & save it as a template to run later.

    3. Completed: This tab lists the completed workflows.

    Creating & running an onboarding workflow:

    Please follow the below steps to create & run an onboarding workflow.

    Click ‘New workflow’ to create workflow.

    Select the users to onboard.

    Select the application for which you want to run the workflow & add the actions. 

    So what are Recommended Applications and Recommended Actions?

    While setting up a workflow for a user, Zluri provides you with a set of recommended applications for the user. This is typically done on the basis of commonly used apps by your organization. 

    Each such application again comes with a set of recommended actions you should take for each app while onboarding. The recommended actions for each app are decided by Zluri based on the tag i.e. Onboarding/ Offboarding/Others on the workflow action.

    The recommended apps for each user while onboarding are populated based on looking at the top apps used by other users in the organization with the same designation and department. This set of recommended applications can act as a checklist for you.

    Once you completely set up the actions you can either save it as a template or run the workflow. 

    You can save a workflow as a template. If all the actions are completely set up and the template is ready to be used, it is saved as a “Published” Playbook, which just means it is ready to be used. If all actions are not set up and there are still errors in the workflow, the template gets saved with an “Unpublished” Playbook tag, which means the playbook is not ready to be used yet. Move to the next section for more about Playbooks.


    To run the workflow, Please click on the ‘Run’ button at the top right corner. It will prompt you to type ‘CONFIRM’ on the text box. Please type ‘CONFIRM’ & click ‘Run workflow.

    NOTE: A workflow can only be run after all the actions in the workflow are completely set up.

  • Overview

    You can use the Overview section to create a new workflow or use an existing playbook. The following categories are available in the Onboarding section of the Workflow module to provide information on current workflows and existing playbooks, user information and activity logs, etc:

  • In Progress

    This section provides the list of onboarding workflows currently in progress. You can click on the View All button to view the complete list of Workflows currently under process.

    You can apply various filters on your workflow run logs screen to view specific workflows you want to track : 

    You can also view the activity log by clicking on the app name or the View log button next to each app. This will take you to the activity log for the particular workflow execution, where you can view the run log and raw log of each playbook of the workflow. You will also find the necessary actions you should take as the next steps for failed actions. 

  • Playbooks

    Playbook is a Template of rules/actions performed by a workflow, i.e. add a user, give access to the user etc. The playbooks tab displays the list of all playbooks currently being saved by your organization in the Zluri Dashboard. Playbooks come with two tags : 

    1. Published - All actions are set up, and the Playbook is ready to be used.

    2. Setup Required - All actions are not set up, and the playbook can’t be used. 

    In the playbook list, you can perform the following actions:

    Summary of Playbook: You can view the summary of the playbook - All apps and actions in the Playbook by clicking on it; this can be useful if you just want to check if everything is ready and set up and ready to be used.

    Edit playbook: You can use the edit playbook button for Playbooks with the “Setup Required” tag. These playbooks can only be edited and not be used just yet. Then, you can create or edit actions under each playbook.

    Run a Playbook: You can use a Published playbook by clicking on the Run a Playbook button for the playbook and selecting users, and following the prompt to run the Playbook.

    Delete Playbook: You can delete an existing playbook by clicking on the Three dots and afterwards by clicking on “Delete Playbook”.

  • Recently Edited

    This category lists the apps that have been recently edited and show all the relevant details, like user information. Click on the Edit option next to an app, and it will take you to the Edit section, where you can add or delete the particular draft of the playbook.

    Clicking on the View all button on the top right will take you to the Drafts tab where you can also access individual draft edit menus.

    The onboarding section has five tabs in total. They are: 

    • Overview

    • Drafts

    • Playbooks

    • Recent runs

    • Automation rules

    We have already accessed the first three from the Overview tab. Now let us have a look at the remaining 2.

  • Recent Runs

    This tab displays the list of recently run playbooks. You can filter the information available in the list by clicking on the Filter button and applying one or multiple filters:

    You can also click on the View log button as previously demonstrated to view the playbook log details.

    You can perform the following actions in the Log section:

    • View the Error/Success message for each action

    • Retry action for failed 

    • Convert to manual task

    • Retry all failed

    • View the raw log to view the detailed action report.

    • Export log

  • Automation Rules

    This section allows you to create rules for your playbook and view the existing set of automation rules and relevant information. To set a new rule, click on the New Rule button on the top right of the screen.

    The onboarding rule creation screen opens.

    You can set the following parameters for the rule:

    1. Add trigger: Define a trigger that runs your automation. There are mainly three kinds of triggers:

    • User Status Changes

    • New User Added/Discovered In Zluri

    • The user Is Marked For Onboarding

    1. Add attributes: This enables you to selectively run the automation based on the conditions that can be set from the list below:

    • Reporting Manager: This is usually the name of the employee’s reporting manager.

    • User Designation: The name of the designation that applies to the user.

    • Last Active: This usually is in numeric format and denotes the timestamp of the user's last activity.

    • User Account Type: Usually, in text, this denotes whether the user account is an admin account or any other type.

    • Critical Apps Used: The number of critical apps the user uses is an attribute here.

    • Primary Source: The name of the app/apps used as the primary source for creating the condition.

    • User Department: The name of the user department.

    • Role: This is the name of the user role.

    • Created At: a number denoting the timestamp to be used as a condition.

    • Risk Level: A number denoting the risk level associated with the particular condition.

    • Apps Used: The number of apps used to set the particular condition.

    • User Status: a text denoting the current user status based on which the condition can be set.

    1. Add a playbook: Choose to run an existing playbook for the new rule.

    2. Add Delay: This is used to set a time delay after which the rule will be executed. Delays can be really helpful when working with multiple automation rules, as you might want to cascade automation rules. 

    (For example, you may create an automation rule for providing access to general apps used across an organization when a New user is Onboarded, and this will run automatically immediately as soon as Zluri detects a new User marked for onboarding. 

    For convenience, you can set the admin access time with a delay of 2 days after a New user is marked for onboarding. Then this automation rule can  give access to specific apps used by department users.)

    1. Save rule: You can save the rule once all the previous conditions have been set.

    From the list of rules available, you can perform the following actions:

    1. Edit/Delete a rule by clicking on the 3-dot option next to each rule.

    2. You can change the status of a rule and set it to active/inactive by clicking on the toggle below the status column.

    You can manually drag each rule by the arrow next to the rule name to put it above/below a rule. This will help you set the Order of the rule.

  • Offboarding workflows

    The offboarding workflow also contains three tabs. 

    1. Draft

    2. Templates

    3. Completed

  • Creating & running an offboarding workflow

    You can follow the same process to create & run an offboarding workflow as we do for an onboarding workflow, i.e. click on New workflow and select users to set up. 

    You will see that all apps are already populated with actions set up for a particular user; Zluri uses its discovery capability to discover all the apps that the user had used being part of your organization and sets up all actions to offboard a user from all these apps. 

  • Overview

    You can use the Overview section to create a new workflow or use an existing playbook. The following categories are available in the Offboarding section of the Workflow module to provide information on current workflows and existing playbooks, user information and activity logs, etc:

  • In Progress

    This section provides the list of offboarding workflows currently in progress. You can click on the View all button to view the complete list of Workflows currently under process.

    You can also view the activity log by clicking on the app name or the View log button next to each app. This will take you to the activity log for the particular app playbook where you can view the run log and raw log of each playbook of the workflow.

  • Most used Playbook

    An offboarding Playbook is a template of rules/actions that are performed by a workflow i.e Remove a user, Remove access to a user etc. This tab displays the list of all playbooks currently being saved by your organization in the Zluri Dashboard. There are two types of offboarding playbooks onboarding playbooks : 

    1. Published - Play Books which are completely set up i.e. all actions are set up, and the playbook is ready to be used. 

    2. Setup Required - Playbooks which are not completely set up, and the playbook is not ready to be used yet.

    In the playbook list, you can perform the following actions:

    Summary of Playbook: You can view the summary of a playbook i.e. all the apps and the actions which are included in the playbook by clicking on a Playbook. This can be really useful and good practice to have a last look at a playbook before using it to check if all your requirements are covered in the playbook.

    Run a playbook: You can use an existing playbook to offboard users from your SaaS apps directly from Zluri. Simply click on the Run Playbook button. Note that you can only run Published Playbooks.

    Edit playbook