Contract and License Management

Contract and License Management

  • Overview

    Clicking a contract will take you to the contract overview page, where all the details about the contract are displayed.

    • Contract name

    • Application name

    • Contract owner

    • Vendor

    • Status

    • Plan Name

    • Contract start date

    • Contract end date

    • Contract value

    • Payment method

    • Renewal date

    • Payment term

    • Signed By Both Parties (Yes/No)

    • Approved By Finance (Yes/No)

    • Approved by IT (Yes/No)

    • Compliance Verification (Yes/No)

  • Procedure to add a Contract

    Step 1: You can add a contract from the contracts landing page by clicking on the ‘Add’ button in the top right corner.

    Clicking the ‘Add’ button will open a side panel where you can fill in the contract details.

    Step 2: Enter the app name to select the application.

    • Add a brief description of the Contract.

    • Enter the details thus asked for Vendor and Owner.

    • Select the contract start and end date.

    • Set the Renew/Cancel date.

    • Payment term - Choose if it’s a one-time payment or recurring payment.

      1. If it’s a recurring payment, select the recurring term.

      2. Select when the first payment was made for the contract.

    • Choose the cost Amortization settings. This is necessary as the duration over which the entire cost of the contract is distributed depends on the choice the user makes. There are mainly 5 categories to choose from, namely: 

    • Monthly: The cost of the contract is distributed over all the months of the contract

    • Yearly: The cost of the contract is attributed just to the starting month of the contract

    • Financial Year: The cost of the contract is attributed just to the starting month of the financial year

    • Payment Term:  Depending on the option chosen, if the payment term is recurring then the cost is attributed depending on the frequency chosen

    • Quarter: The cost is attributed once every quarter

    • Start Date: The start date of the contract

    This will reflect in the cost vs spend table in the application overview and app spends.

    • License Assignment Precedence: This can be selected based on the start date or the amount.

    Step 3: You need to complete the checklist details.

    • Add the necessary documents for the contract.

    • Assign the necessary permissions in the form of toggle yes/no, namely

    1. Select whether the contract is Signed by both parties

    2. Assign whether the contract is Approved by Finance & IT

    3. Choose whether the contract has Compliance Verification completed

    Step 4: This will list all the current License details. Here you can also:

    • Enable the checkbox whether you have been charged a base price for this contract

    • Select the currency

    • Add a discount or a one-time fee to the Licence.

    The license is now added in the form of a pop once the ‘Add Licence’ button is selected.


    You can now add multiple line items can be added to the same license now.

    Step 5: This opens the Review option, where you can make last-minute edits before submission and add the contract by clicking on Add Contract.

  • Auto-Increment/Auto adjust:

    The auto-increment previously changed the quantity without recording the date of the increase in quantity. Now, we are creating a new group is created from the date when the license was detected.

    Suppose auto-increment is ‘On’ for a contract, and Zluri detects more licenses through the API call. In that case, It will automatically create a group with an extra number of licenses starting from the current date.

    Suppose auto adjust is ‘On’ for a subscription. In that case, the license quantity will increase or decrease based on the number of licenses detected from the API call to match the total number of licenses.

    Keeping auto-increment/auto-adjust off will not capture the fluctuations in the licenses. However, users can manually adjust the number of licenses.

  • Cost Calculation:

    Pro-rata: cost is calculated only for the duration for which the additional quantity is added

    Months: irrespective of the number of days used in a month, the cost is calculated for the entire month

    Quarters: irrespective of the number of days used in a quarter, the cost is calculated for the entire quarter

    Years: irrespective of the number of days used in a year, the cost is calculated for the entire year

  • License Tab


    License management in Zluri helps you organise, manage and streamline all licenses, spends, and costs associated with your application ecosystem.


    License information is gathered from all direct app integrations and directly populated in the license module. Specific details that aren’t collected can be entered manually to make the information whole. Four tabs are present here: Licenses, Subscriptions, Contracts and Perpetuals.

    For example, the number near the Licenses tab indicates the number of unique licenses present, and the same applies to the other three tabs.

    Licence Tab

    The licence tab shows only the active groups/ active entities of a particular license. Also, the cost of only the active license group/entity is attributed.

    When multiple licences are active, It shows the average cost/license and sum of quantities of both groups.

    E.g., One license has two entities, one from 1st Jan to 1st Aug and the other from 1st Aug to 31st Dec then, based on the date, one of the two entities would be active. On 28th Sept, the second group/entity would be active.

    License mapper

    Most licenses are automatically mapped to the users/teams they are associated with. If users are not mapped, they can be added in manually by the administrator.

    License type

    Zluri supports two types of App licenses.

    • Seat-based: Seat-based licenses are those procured and priced based on the number of users/employees your organisation has set.

    • Quantity-based: Quantity-based licenses are calculated based on a specific application metric the vendor mentions. 

    Data sourcing for Licenses:

    • Direct integrations: Zluri can connect directly with the application. if the integration is supported

    • Manual contracts: If license information cannot be extracted, it is uploaded manually.

    In the Licence tab, there are five KPIs on top, which represent the summary of the whole Licenses tab:

    Total Contracts: total number of contracts present in the organisation.

    Total Applications: total number of applications in the contracts.

    Total Contracts Value: the total amount of the contracts cumulated together.

    Annualised Cost: the total cost of the contracts considered for the current financial year.

    Renewals: the total number of renewals upcoming for the current month.

    In a more detailed view, there is more information present in below columns:

    Licence name, Application name, Type of Licence, Assigned Quantity, UnAssigned Quantity, Cost/Licence, Total Cost, Utilized Value, Unutilized Value, Source, and Utilization.

    The cost/license field can be edited from the platform if needed. To edit, click on the edit pencil symbol for any license:

    A new page will open up. The customer should go to the License Details section and again click on the edit pencil symbol to update the cost/license field. Please refer to the screenshots:

    After clicking the “Save Changes” button, a popup informs you about the successful action. Please refer to the below snapshots:

    The cost/license should be changed from 10 to 20 on the main page as per the modification done:

    By selecting the checkbox, the customer can choose multiple licenses. Once, selected “Bulk Edit” option appears on the right-hand side:

    By using the “Bulk Edit” option, the customer can archive/unarchive or delete the selected licenses:

    In the Application field, some indicators suggest whether the application is managed, unmanaged or needs review. The same information will be displayed on the platform. Please refer to the  below screenshot: if the customer clicks on these

    *Green colour: Managed, Black Colour: Needs Review, Blue Colour: Unmanaged, Red Colour: Restricted. 

    Licenses information can be exported using the “Export” option in the top right corner:

    Subscriptions Tab

    Subscriptions are a flexible category of licensing supported on Zluri. Subscriptions can be charged monthly, quarterly or yearly, depending on the agreement with the vendor.

    In the Subscriptions tab, below mentioned columns are present:

    Subscription name, Application name, Total Licenses, Next payment, License Types, Total Cost, Payment Method, and No. Of Documents. 

    Subscription Name - It is the name of the subscription which can be active or cancelled, as shown in the screenshot.

    If the customer hovers over License Types, a small window appears that shows different types of licenses and the quantity of each license type.

    The payment method of any subscription can be changed by clicking on Add Payment Method for any subscription and selecting the required payment method.

    How to Add a New Subscription

    To add a new subscription, the customer must click the “+Add” button, as shown below:

    Enter the application name and select the appropriate option from the list if available. 

    If it is a new application, select “+Add a new Application”. It will open up a new window on the right-hand side. The details can be filled in here and saved.

    If the customer selects the “Not an app?” option, the textbox for entering the application name will be greyed out, and the customer can enter the following relevant information:

    If the application name is entered, the below Basic Details must be entered to proceed to the next step:

    Basic Details:

    • Subscription name - Required

    • Application - Required

      • Select by searching an application or select ‘not an app.’

    • Vendor - Required

    • Primary Owner - Required

      • Select from the dropdown list of all users in the organisation

    • Finance owner - Optional

    • IT Owner - Optional

    • Start date - Required

    The auto-Renews checkbox can be selected if one wants a subscription to be auto-renewed before the expiry date.

    Cost Amortisation - The duration over which the entire cost of the contract is distributed depending on the user's choice. Details below:

    Cost Amortisation Settings:

    The duration over which the entire cost of the contract is distributed depends on the user's choice.

    • Monthly: the cost of the contract is distributed over all the months of the contract.

    • Yearly: the cost of the contract is attributed just to the starting month of the contract.

    • Financial Year:  the cost of the contract is attributed just to the starting month of the financial year

    • Payment Term:  depending on the option chosen, if the payment term is recurring, then the cost is attributed depending on the frequency chosen

    • Quarter: the cost is attributed once every quarter

    • Start Date: the start date of the contract

    License Assignment Precedence - In case multiple entities are active at the same time, then the Licence Assignment Precedence comes into the picture (under the basic details)

    • Start Date: the license with an earlier start date is assigned.

    • Amount: the license with a lesser amount is assigned.

    After entering the Basic Details, the next step is to enter the License Details:

    If the customer has paid a base price for the subscription, the checkbox “I am charged a base price for this subscription” should be selected.

    The currency can be set from the Select Currency option.

    If setup fees or discounts are available, both can be added here before adding a license.

    Now, the customer needs to add license information by clicking on the “+ Add license” button:

    • License type - Seat Based/Quantity Based

    • License Name - Required

    • Cost/license- Required

    • Quantity- Required

    • Auto adjust - You can enable it if the license can be auto-adjusted to match the growing number of users.

    • Discount - Optional

    • License term - Optional

    • Cost per term - Auto calculated

    • Set up fee - Optional

    • Discount - Optional

    • The quantity of licenses can be split across multiple types of licenses.

    • Apply Cost - option allows the customer to choose cost on a pro-rata basis or per month/quarter/year basis.

    Finally, after entering all the details, the Save button gives the option to save the details. The screen will look like this: 

    Click on the Next button to review the details and Add the new Subscription:

    The newly added subscription will be displayed like this:

    How to Edit a Subscription

    You can edit a subscription by clicking the ‘Edit’ button beside the subscription name on the individual subscription page. It will open a new page where you can edit the subscription details.

    The customer can edit and delete the licenses from the above-highlighted buttons. If the edit button is clicked, the below screen will appear:

    Here, the editing of the license can be done and saved.


    If auto-adjust is ‘On’ for a subscription, the license quantity will increase or decrease based on the number of licenses detected from the API to match the total number of licenses always. 

    Keeping auto-increment/auto-adjust off will not capture the fluctuations in the licenses. However, users can manually adjust the number of licenses.

    Contracts Tab

    In the Contracts tab, below mentioned columns are present:

    Contract, Application, Vendor, Agreement Type, Total Cost, Status, Total Licenses, Assigned Licenses, License Types, Payment Term, Auto-Renewal, Start Date, End Date, Term Length, Annual Spend, Renewal/Cancel By Date, Payment Method, No. of Documents.

    • Agreement Type can be Master, SOW, Service, or True Up. 

    • The Payment Terms can be One Time, Every month, Every three months, etc. 

    • The Auto-Renewal can be OFF/ON. Term Length is the duration of the contract.

    • The Annual spend is the annualised amount spent in the contract for various applications/licenses. 

    • No. of documents is the document related to the contract.

    A Contract has fixed start and end dates.

    How to Add a New Contract

    To add a new contract, the customer must click the “+Add” button, as shown below:

    On the first screen, the customer needs to enter the application name. He also has the option to renew the existing contract if he selects the “Renew and existing contract” checkbox. He can enter the old contract name:

    If the customer is creating a new contract, they need to enter the application first and proceed to fill other details:

    Basic details:

    • Contract name - Required

    • Application - Required

      • Select by searching an application or select ‘not an app.’

    • Vendor - Required

    • Primary Owner - Required

      • Select from the dropdown list of all users in the organisation

    • Finance owner - Optional

    • IT Owner - Optional

    • Contract start date - Required

    • Contract end date - Required

    • Agreement Type can be Master, SOW, Service, or Turn Up.

    • Master agreement - The first agreement comprises the agreement's terms and conditions.

    • Service - the services and payments that are offered between both parties.

    • SOW - Statement of work - comprises goals, deliverables, projects etc.

    • True ups - additional services/licenses procured in future after the first agreement.

    • Cost Amortisation can be set for Months, Years, Quarters, FY, and Start Date.

    • Important: Adding renewal/cancel by date will add the contract to the renewal calendar & contract owner/IT admin can set alerts to remind them about upcoming renewals.

    After entering Basic Details, next, the customer needs to fill out the Checklist. Here the customer can upload a copy of the contract and enable the relevant options on the right side, whichever is applicable:

    Important: You can add/delete the type of document you want from the document checklist.

    After filling in the details, he can click on Next to enter License Details:

    The customer can fill in the base price, discount and setup fees if applicable:

    Once the customer clicks on “+ Add license”, the below screen will appear:

    • License Name and Description are mandatory fields.

    • Cost/License can be filled in per term/license term/month/quarter/year.

    • The total number of licenses can be filled in Quantity.

    • Quantity can be split across multiple license types, too, if needed.

    • The Auto Increment option can be enabled to match the number of licenses to the number of users.

    • Cost can be applied on a pro-rata or Months/Quarters/Years basis. Details below:

    Individual Licence Term:

    The new licence module allows users to add duration for specific line items. This can be done by clicking the ‘Add’ button (+ symbol) and choosing the licence duration.

    To solve the aforementioned problem, we can now add 2 line items with the same name for different durations and different quantities. 

    Earlier, the user would have to create two different line items with different names to accommodate two license with just different quantities and costs.

    Cost Calculation Settings:

    • Pro-rata: cost is calculated only for the duration for which the additional quantity is added

    • Months: irrespective of the number of days used in a month, the cost is calculated for the entire month

    • Quarters: irrespective of the number of days used in a quarter, the cost is calculated for the entire quarter

    • Years: irrespective of the number of days used in a year, the cost is calculated for the entire year

    Auto-Increment/Auto adjust:

    The auto-increment previously just changed the quantity without recording the date of the increase in quantity. Now, we are creating a new group is created from the date when the licence was detected.

    If auto-increment is ‘On’ for a contract, and Zluri detects more licenses through the API, It will automatically create a group with an extra number of licenses starting from the current date.

    If auto adjust is ‘On’ for a subscription, the license quantity will increase or decrease based on the number of licenses detected from the API to match the total number of licenses always.

    Keeping auto-increment/auto-adjust off will not capture the fluctuations in the licenses. However, users can manually adjust the quantity of licenses.

    The customer can click on the Save button after filling in the details; the customer has the option to review the details entered, add a new license and go to the next step by clicking on the “Next button”:

    The customer can add the contract here if everything looks fine:

    The newly added contract will look like this, and a pop-up will appear on the left side of the screen confirming the same:

    How to Edit a Contract

    You can edit a contract by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button beside the contract name on the individual contract page. It will open a new page where you can edit the contract details.

    Here the customer can edit the basic details of the contract like Application name, Start Date, Payment Method, etc.

    Similarly, on License details, the customer can add/modify/delete the license-related details:

    Timelines: Contract timelines help you keep track of renewals and important touch points with your vendor, including the start date, end date, renewal date notifications and more.

    Perpetuals Tab

    Perpetuals are contracts without set expiry dates. Zluri recognizes perpetual  based on the information sourced.

    In the Perpetuals tab, below mentioned columns are present:

    Contract, Application, Vendor, Total Cost, License Types, Status, Start Date, Payment Methods, No. of Documents.

    A Perpetual license doesn’t have an end date but Contracts have.

    How to Add a New Perpetual

    To add a new contract, the customer must click the “+Add” button, as shown below:

    Enter the name of the application to start with: 

    • Perpetual name - Required

    • Application - Required

      • Select by searching an application or select ‘not an app’

    • Vendor - Required

    • Primary Owner - Required

      • Select from the dropdown list of all users in the organization

    • Finance owner - Optional

    • IT Owner - Optional

    • Contract start date - Required

    • Payment date - Optional

    • Payment Term is set as One time by default for Perpetuals.

    • Payment methods can be selected from the dropdown.

    • the Payment Date is the date of payment made for the contract. If PIA is selected, then the payment date will be set as the start date of the contract.

    After entering Basic Details, next, the customer needs to fill out the Checklist. Here the customer can upload a copy of the perpetual and enable the relevant options on the right side, whichever is applicable:

    The customer can fill in the discount and the setup fees if applicable:

    Once the custom clicks on “+ Add license”, the below screen will appear:

    • License type - Seat Based/Quantity Based

    • License Name - Required

    • Cost/license - Required

    • Quantity - Required

    • Auto increment - You can enable it if the license can be auto-adjusted to match the growing number of users

    • Discount - Optional

    • Cost per term - Auto calculated

    • Set up fee - Optional

    • Discount - Optional

    • Start date can be entered.

    After entering the details, information can be saved by clicking on the “Save” button:

    Once the details are reviewed, the customer can click on the Next button:

    After completing the review, the customer can click on the “Add Perpetual Contract” to save the perpetual:

    Once the Perpetual Contract is saved, it will appear like this:

    How to Edit a Perpetual

    You can edit a contract by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button beside the perpetual name on the individual perpetual page. It will open a new page where you can edit the perpetual details.

    Basic Details can be added here on the below page:

    License-related details can be added/modified/deleted on the below page:

  • Contract Notifications & Reminders:

    Contract renewal due in x days: 

    • This reminder notification is shared to - 

    App Owner

    App IT Owner

    App Finance Owner

    Contract Owner

    Contract IT owner

    Contract Finance owner

    • Auto Reminder - This is set for 7, 15 & 30 days before the contract renewal date. 

    Payment renewal due in x days:

    • This reminder notification is shared to - 



    IT Admin

    Payment Owner

    Procurement admin

    Finance Admin

    App Owner

    App IT Owner

    App Finance Owner

    Contract Owner

    Contract IT owner

    Contract Finance owner

    • Auto Reminder - This is set for 7 & 1 days before the payment due date. 

    Upcoming renewals due next month:

    • This reminder notification is shared to - 



    IT Admin

    Procurement admin

    • Reminders are triggered every month’s first day at 12:00 AM IST with a list of Contracts up for renewal in the following month.

    Contract end date reminder:

    • This reminder notification is shared to - 

    App Owner

    App IT Owner

    App Finance Owner

    Contract Owner

    Contract IT owner

    Contract Finance owner

    • Auto Reminder - This is set for 7 days before the end date. 

    Contract Cancel by Date reminder:

    • This reminder notification is shared to - 

    App Owner

    App IT Owner

    App Finance Owner

    Contract Owner

    Contract IT owner

    Contract Finance owner

    • Auto Reminders: This is set for 60, 30, 15 & 1 days before the cancel-by date. 

    • In case there is no cancel-by date is defined while adding a contract, these reminders will be calculated on the “Contract End Date”.

  • Contracts Upload using PDF files


    The Contracts PDF Upload feature enables users to seamlessly upload contracts using PDF files, streamlining the document management process and enhancing productivity.

    With this functionality, users can upload multiple contract documents directly and automatically add contracts based on the parsed information from the documents. This streamlined process saves time and effort compared to manually entering each contract individually. 

    Once the PDF document is processed, users can review the draft and add/edit information, if necessary. Once the draft is reviewed, they can click on ‘Add Contract,’ which will make it available under the Contracts section.

    This document provides a comprehensive overview of the Contracts PDF Upload feature and its functionality.

    Contracts Upload Section

    Navigate to the Licences > Uploads section to review all the uploaded documents. 

    You will be able to see four columns in that section

    • File - the pdf file that was uploaded. You will be able to download the file using the download icon beside it    

    • Date - date on which the file is uploaded

    • Status - processing status of the file

    • Uploaded By - user who uploaded the file

    Status of the Uploads

    • Pending - This indicates that Zluri AI is still processing the information uploaded

    • Review Draft - Zluri AI has successfully processed the information. You will need to review the draft information and click on ‘Add Contract’ to add the contract to the UI successfully.

    • Contract Added - The contract has been added under the Contracts section after the draft was reviewed and the user clicked on ‘Add contract.’

    How to Upload the Contracts

    • Navigate to the Licences > Uploads section click Add and select ‘Upload PDF’ to open the interface.

    • Click on ‘Browse & Upload’ to browse the document from your system. You can also drag and drop files to upload them.

    You can add up to 10 files in a single upload. Each file will be processed separately as an individual contract.

    At present we support only English language files. Please note that the maximum file size that can be uploaded is 5 MB.

    • Once the file is selected, it will be uploaded to the server. You will be able to see a prompt on the Upload screen once the files are uploaded successfully. 

    Click on ‘Submit’, and the document will be processed using Zluri AI processing. 


    In case of any errors during the upload process, you will need to reinitiate the upload process.

    • During processing, the documents will be in ‘Pending’ Status. 

    Once processed, the status will change to ‘Review Draft’ with an edit icon beside it.

    You will receive an In-app notification once the draft is ready for review.

    • Click on the edit option (a pencil icon beside the ‘Review Draft’ status) to access the processed information. At this stage, you can add/edit the processed information as required.

    The pdf document uploaded will automatically be added under the ‘Checklist’ section.

    You will be able to edit the license information under the ‘License Details’ section.

    • Once the information is reviewed, click on the ‘Add Contract’ or ‘Save as Draft’ option, as per the requirements.

    Clicking on ‘Save as Draft’ will not change any status on the Uploads screen. 

    Clicking on ‘Add contract’ will add it as a new contract in the UI. You will be able to find it under the ‘Contracts’ section with the reviewed information.

    The status of the document on the ‘Uploads’ screen will change to ‘Contract Added.’

    Note: The contract is not added to the UI unless the draft is reviewed and the user clicks on the ‘Add Contract’ option.

    • If you click on the pdf document on the Uploads screen, it will redirect to the Contract UI and display the Contracts uploaded using the pdf document. 

    You can review the contracts once they are added. 

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Contract and License Management