
  • Overview-Traversing The Zluri Dashboard

    The Overview Module is the first page you will see when logging into Zluri and will provide you with a high-level overview of your organization’s saas landscape. Additionally, on the left side is a navigation panel that will navigate you to the respective sections. There is also a global search bar, a My Tasks board, the Latest changes information, Notifications & Account Name at the top right of the page. 

    The navigation panel and global search bar will be visible regardless of which page you navigate. The Zluri dashboard currently contains the following views, and more will continue to be added as we further develop the product:

    Data Points visible on the Overview screen in your Zluri Workspace

    • Applications: The total number of applications used by all users in the current month & number of new applications users started using in the current month.

    It is further categorized into different types of Authorization Status: Managed, Unmanaged, Restricted & Needs review.

    • Active users: Number of active users in the organization for the current month & change in active users from the previous month.

    It is further categorized into different Employee types: Employee, Group, Service Account & External users.

    • Average Usage: Average usage is the percentage of all applications used for all users in the current month & change in usage percentage from last month. Usage percentage for any particular user for any application is calculated by taking the highest frequency of activity for that application by any user as a benchmark.

    It is further described by a list of Managed Apps with low usage categories and the top 4 apps are displayed here. 

    • Total Spend(YTD): Sum of spending on all applications & software for the current financial year for SaaS applications on organizational level and the change in the level of spend compared to the last month.

    It is further described by a list of Top apps by spend category and top 4 apps by highest spends.

    • Renewals: The number of payment/contract renewals due in the current month and the change in the number of renewals from last month.

    • Spend per Month: A bar graph that shows the spending for all months of the current financial year, the spending for the current month & the total spending for the financial year.

    • Spend per User: A bar graph that shows the spending per user for all months for the current financial year, the spending for the current month & the total spending for the financial year.

    • Cost of contracts: A bar graph that shows the sum of costs for all the active contracts for the month, the cost for the current month & the total cost for the contract for the current financial year. It is the sum total of cost per license and license term, along with any base price and one-time fees minus the discounts that have been entered while uploading the contract to Zluri.

    • Top Apps by Usage: Lists the top 8 apps by usage percentage.

    • Department-wise Spend: If we select the Department option in the drop-down menu we will get Department-wise Spend. It is a graphical representation of the information associated with each department of your organization. This generally contains the following sub-categories:

    • Department: The name of the department.

    • Apps: The number of apps being used by the department.

    • Users: The number of users under the particular department.

    • Avg. Monthly Spend: The average monthly amount spent by the department.

    • Spend(YTD): The total amount spent year-wise by the department.

    • Category-wise Spend: If we select the category option in the drop-down menu we will get Category-wise Spend also. It is a graphical representation of the spending of an organization based on various product categories like Analytics, AI, Commerce, etc. It is further subdivided as:

    • Category: Name of the category                        

    • Apps: The number of apps being used in a category.

    • Users: The number of users under a particular category.

    • Avg. Monthly Spend: The average monthly amount spent in a  category.

    • Spend(YTD): The total amount spent year-wise in a category.

    • Budget per department: Shows a top-level view of each department's allocated budget & spend (till date) for the current financial year.

    • Top Apps by Users/Spend: Shows the top applications by the highest number of users using an application and by the maximum spend for an application. It can be sorted in both columns.

    Clicking on any application or department will take you to the corresponding application/department overview page.

    The Global Search Bar will always be at the top right of the page, regardless of what section you are in. This is a great way to navigate to a specific product, Employee, Department, or Transaction. Type in what you are searching for, and click on the relevant match. 

    Search gives different sections to search from. For example, if the customer clicks on the dropdown menu, he will get options like Applications, Users, Departments & Integrations. Please refer to the below snapshot:

    Suppose, if he searches for “Slack” under “Applications”, he will get the below results:

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Overview (1)