Dynamic inputs in Zluri Workflow actions - User Guide

What are Dynamic Inputs?

Dynamic inputs are user and application based attributes which get updated based on the User and application on which the workflow is being run on. 

Let’s get this clear with an example : 

  • Suppose that you have set up a workflow action in Azure AD to “Assign Department to user” and you want to save this in a playbook. 

  • Earlier, you had to specify a department name, for example, “Sales”, which was inconvenient as it reduced the reusability of the playbooks for other department users. 

  • With the introduction of dynamic inputs, you can just specify {{user.user_department_name}} in the department field and this will get dynamically updated to the department of the user on whom the workflow is being run on.

Components of a dynamic input:

A dynamic input has two components to it, an entity and an attribute, which combine to make a dynamic input

Entity - userapplication for User and Application respectively. In the Azure Ad example above, the application entity would be “Azure AD” and the user entity is the user on whom the workflow is being run on.

Attribute - The field name related to the entity. In the above example, department name is the required attribute. 

Dynamic Input - written as {{entity.attribute}} 
            For example - {{user.user_department_name}}

List of Allowed Dynamic inputs : 



Dynamic Input





Fetch User email from Zluri




Fetch User name from Zluri




Fetch User Designation from Zluri




Fetch User Status from Zluri




Fetch User Role from Zluri




Fetch User Department from Zluri




Fetch User Reporting manager name from Zluri




Fetch App Status from Zluri




Fetch App Name from Zluri




Fetch App Owner name from Zluri




Fetch App Owner email from Zluri




Fetch App Financial Owner name from Zluri




Fetch App Financial Owner email from Zluri




Fetch App Technical Owner name from Zluri




Fetch App Technical Owner email from Zluri

Example : Using Dynamic inputs in Manual Actions : 

When setting up any Manual action in Zluri, you need to update the Title and Description of the Task, which goes out as an email to the assignee of the task.

  • Go to Onboarding/Offboarding 

  • Create a New Workflow or Edit an Existing playbook

    For setting up new workflow : 

  • Add any application. For Example : 366 degrees  

  • Select Create manual task.

  • Select any type of manual task. For example : Add user 

  • Fill the Title and Description fields by scripting Title and message body  with the relevant substitutes from the above table for the action.

    For example : 

In this case, we have used the following input for Title and Description : 

  • Title : Add {{user.user_name}} in {{app.app_name}}

  • Description : Hey {{user.user_reporting_manager_name}},  can you add {{user.user_name}}, email : {{user.user_email}} in {{app.app_name}} with user having role : {{user.user_role}} , designation : {{user.user_designation}} in dept : {{user.user_department_name}} and confirm once with {{app.app_name}}. 

For existing playbooks : 

  • Go to any manual task for any app. For example : Add user 

  • Fill the Title and Description fields by scripting Title and message body  with the relevant substitutes from the above table for the action.
    For example : 

In this case, we have used the following input for Title and Description : 

  • Title : Add {{user.user_name}} in {{app.app_name}}

  • Description : Hey {{user.user_reporting_manager_name}},  can you add {{user.user_name}}, email : {{user.user_email}} in {{app.app_name}} with user having role : {{user.user_role}} , designation : {{user.user_designation}} in dept : {{user.user_department_name}} and confirm once with {{app.app_name}}. 

  • Save the playbook


NOTE: Remember to use double curly braces( {{“substitute”}} ) with substitutes while using dynamic inputs for scripting. 

  • The field values will get updated based on the user selected for the workflow. These field values are fetched from the corresponding field values for the user on Zluri. 

For example : If the department for a user on Zluri is Product, then {{user.user_department_name}} will get updated to “Product” for the workflow run for the user.

Example : Using Dynamic inputs in Automated actions : 

  • Go to Onboarding/Offboarding 

  • Create a New Workflow or Edit an Existing playbook

    For setting up new workflow : 

  • Add the application. For Example : Azure AD   

  • Select an action which has user related free text input. For example : Add Department name for User.

  • Fill the free field with the relevant substitute from the above table for the action. For example : Department field in this action is given an input which is the substitute key for User department from the above table.

    For existing playbooks : 

  • Select the actions in the playbook which have user related free text input. For example : Add Department name for User.

  • Fill the free field with the relevant substitute from the above table for the action. For example : Department field in this action is given an input which is the substitute key for User department from the above table.

  • Save the playbook


NOTE: Remember to use double curly braces( {{“substitute”}} ) with substitutes while using dynamic inputs for scripting. 

  • The field value will get updated based on the user selected for the workflow. For example : In this case, the field value is updated with the User’s assigned department on Zluri, and this would change for each user.

Example : Using Dynamic inputs in Zluri actions - HTTP Request : 

  • URL

  • Headers

  • Go to Onboarding/Offboarding 

  • Create a New Workflow or Edit an Existing playbook

    For setting up new workflow : 

  • Select Zluri Actions. 

  • Select Choose action -> Make an HTTP Request.

  • Fill the URL, Headers and Values fields by scripting with the relevant substitutes from the above table.

    For example : 

In this case, we have used the following input for URL,Headers and Values:

  • URL : You should paste the URL of the API endpoint you want to access but in place of the parameter value in the request, pass the dynamic input for dynamically updating that parameter for each workflow run. 
    Example : https://api.github.com/users/{{user.user_name}}

  • Headers : There is a Headers section where we will be passing in headers as instructed by the GitHub docs. (You can either copy the cURL and paste the raw data in postman to get the headers and other values as well).

    For existing playbooks : 

  • Select Zluri actions -> Make an HTTP Request.

  • Fill the URL, Headers and Values fields by scripting with the relevant substitutes from the above table.
    For example : 

In this case, we have used the following input for URL,Headers and Values:

  • URL : paste the URL of the API endpoint you want to access but in place of the parameter value in the request, pass the dynamic input for dynamically updating that parameter for each workflow run. 
    Example : https://api.github.com/users/{{user.user_name}}

  • Headers : There is a Headers section where we will be passing in headers as instructed by the GitHub docs. (You can either copy the cURL and paste the raw data in postman to get the headers and other values as well).

  • Save the playbook


NOTE: Remember to use double curly braces( {{“substitute”}} ) with substitutes while using dynamic inputs for scripting. 

  • The field values will get updated based on the user and app selected for the workflow. These field values are fetched from the corresponding field values for the user on Zluri. 

For example : 
In https://api.github.com/users/{{user.user_name}},{{user.user_name}} part which is the parameter for the requested will dynamically get updated with the username of the user on whom the workflow is being run on.

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Dynamic inputs in Zluri Workflow actions - User Guide

Modified on Tue, 28 Mar, 2023 at 4:24 AM

What are Dynamic Inputs?

Dynamic inputs are user and application based attributes which get updated based on the User and application on which the workflow is being run on. 

Let’s get this clear with an example : 

  • Suppose that you have set up a workflow action in Azure AD to “Assign Department to user” and you want to save this in a playbook. 

  • Earlier, you had to specify a department name, for example, “Sales”, which was inconvenient as it reduced the reusability of the playbooks for other department users. 

  • With the introduction of dynamic inputs, you can just specify {{user.user_department_name}} in the department field and this will get dynamically updated to the department of the user on whom the workflow is being run on.

Components of a dynamic input:

A dynamic input has two components to it, an entity and an attribute, which combine to make a dynamic input

Entity - userapplication for User and Application respectively. In the Azure Ad example above, the application entity would be “Azure AD” and the user entity is the user on whom the workflow is being run on.

Attribute - The field name related to the entity. In the above example, department name is the required attribute. 

Dynamic Input - written as {{entity.attribute}} 
            For example - {{user.user_department_name}}

List of Allowed Dynamic inputs : 



Dynamic Input





Fetch User email from Zluri




Fetch User name from Zluri




Fetch User Designation from Zluri




Fetch User Status from Zluri




Fetch User Role from Zluri




Fetch User Department from Zluri




Fetch User Reporting manager name from Zluri




Fetch App Status from Zluri




Fetch App Name from Zluri




Fetch App Owner name from Zluri




Fetch App Owner email from Zluri




Fetch App Financial Owner name from Zluri




Fetch App Financial Owner email from Zluri




Fetch App Technical Owner name from Zluri




Fetch App Technical Owner email from Zluri

Example : Using Dynamic inputs in Manual Actions : 

When setting up any Manual action in Zluri, you need to update the Title and Description of the Task, which goes out as an email to the assignee of the task.

  • Go to Onboarding/Offboarding 

  • Create a New Workflow or Edit an Existing playbook

    For setting up new workflow : 

  • Add any application. For Example : 366 degrees  

  • Select Create manual task.

  • Select any type of manual task. For example : Add user 

  • Fill the Title and Description fields by scripting Title and message body  with the relevant substitutes from the above table for the action.

    For example : 

In this case, we have used the following input for Title and Description : 

  • Title : Add {{user.user_name}} in {{app.app_name}}

  • Description : Hey {{user.user_reporting_manager_name}},  can you add {{user.user_name}}, email : {{user.user_email}} in {{app.app_name}} with user having role : {{user.user_role}} , designation : {{user.user_designation}} in dept : {{user.user_department_name}} and confirm once with {{app.app_name}}. 

For existing playbooks : 

  • Go to any manual task for any app. For example : Add user 

  • Fill the Title and Description fields by scripting Title and message body  with the relevant substitutes from the above table for the action.
    For example : 

In this case, we have used the following input for Title and Description : 

  • Title : Add {{user.user_name}} in {{app.app_name}}

  • Description : Hey {{user.user_reporting_manager_name}},  can you add {{user.user_name}}, email : {{user.user_email}} in {{app.app_name}} with user having role : {{user.user_role}} , designation : {{user.user_designation}} in dept : {{user.user_department_name}} and confirm once with {{app.app_name}}. 

  • Save the playbook


NOTE: Remember to use double curly braces( {{“substitute”}} ) with substitutes while using dynamic inputs for scripting. 

  • The field values will get updated based on the user selected for the workflow. These field values are fetched from the corresponding field values for the user on Zluri. 

For example : If the department for a user on Zluri is Product, then {{user.user_department_name}} will get updated to “Product” for the workflow run for the user.

Example : Using Dynamic inputs in Automated actions : 

  • Go to Onboarding/Offboarding 

  • Create a New Workflow or Edit an Existing playbook

    For setting up new workflow : 

  • Add the application. For Example : Azure AD   

  • Select an action which has user related free text input. For example : Add Department name for User.

  • Fill the free field with the relevant substitute from the above table for the action. For example : Department field in this action is given an input which is the substitute key for User department from the above table.

    For existing playbooks : 

  • Select the actions in the playbook which have user related free text input. For example : Add Department name for User.

  • Fill the free field with the relevant substitute from the above table for the action. For example : Department field in this action is given an input which is the substitute key for User department from the above table.

  • Save the playbook


NOTE: Remember to use double curly braces( {{“substitute”}} ) with substitutes while using dynamic inputs for scripting. 

  • The field value will get updated based on the user selected for the workflow. For example : In this case, the field value is updated with the User’s assigned department on Zluri, and this would change for each user.

Example : Using Dynamic inputs in Zluri actions - HTTP Request : 

  • URL

  • Headers

  • Go to Onboarding/Offboarding 

  • Create a New Workflow or Edit an Existing playbook

    For setting up new workflow : 

  • Select Zluri Actions. 

  • Select Choose action -> Make an HTTP Request.

  • Fill the URL, Headers and Values fields by scripting with the relevant substitutes from the above table.

    For example : 

In this case, we have used the following input for URL,Headers and Values:

  • URL : You should paste the URL of the API endpoint you want to access but in place of the parameter value in the request, pass the dynamic input for dynamically updating that parameter for each workflow run. 
    Example : https://api.github.com/users/{{user.user_name}}

  • Headers : There is a Headers section where we will be passing in headers as instructed by the GitHub docs. (You can either copy the cURL and paste the raw data in postman to get the headers and other values as well).

    For existing playbooks : 

  • Select Zluri actions -> Make an HTTP Request.

  • Fill the URL, Headers and Values fields by scripting with the relevant substitutes from the above table.
    For example : 

In this case, we have used the following input for URL,Headers and Values:

  • URL : paste the URL of the API endpoint you want to access but in place of the parameter value in the request, pass the dynamic input for dynamically updating that parameter for each workflow run. 
    Example : https://api.github.com/users/{{user.user_name}}

  • Headers : There is a Headers section where we will be passing in headers as instructed by the GitHub docs. (You can either copy the cURL and paste the raw data in postman to get the headers and other values as well).

  • Save the playbook


NOTE: Remember to use double curly braces( {{“substitute”}} ) with substitutes while using dynamic inputs for scripting. 

  • The field values will get updated based on the user and app selected for the workflow. These field values are fetched from the corresponding field values for the user on Zluri. 

For example : 
In https://api.github.com/users/{{user.user_name}},{{user.user_name}} part which is the parameter for the requested will dynamically get updated with the username of the user on whom the workflow is being run on.

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